2024 General Election Likely Voter Universes

Mike Ford
Mike Ford
  • Updated

The universes below are specifically designed for targeting voters likely to participate in the upcoming 2024 General Election. They reference the most relevant election vote history, registration dates, and other data to predict degrees of turnout behavior. In Progress

Universes 24G1 thru 24G5 include higher propensity voters, focusing more on Primary elections with a limited number of high propensity midterm voters included, that would be ideal for down ballot races and planning for the 2024 or 2026 Primary (Good for expensive mailers).

o Universes 24G6 thru 24G7B include high to mid propensity voters focusing on both Primary and midterm General elections that are ideal for the 2024 Primary or for planning for the 2026 General (Good for mail/walk/phone/email/digital).

o Universes 24G7C thru 24G8D are good overall high to lower propensity universes for the November 2024 General, or any broadly targeted outreach (Good for all types of voter outreach mail/walk/phone/email/digital).

o Universes 24GGOTV thru 24GWRAP include only lower to mid propensity voters (Good for GOTV programs because they are limited to voters who are newer, younger, or less likely to vote in this election).





24G1: [(Voted all 3 of 6/22, 11/22 or 3/24), Or (Registered since 6/22 and voted both of 11/22 and 3/24), Or (Registered since 11/22 and voted 3/24)].

24G1E: [Any 24G1 voter, plus any Equity Base Universe voter in 24G2].

24G2: [(Voted at least 3 of 9/21, 6/22, 11/22 or 3/24) , Or (Registered since 6/22 and voted both of 11/22 and 3/24), Or (Registered since 11/22 and voted 3/24)].

24G2E: [Any 24G2 voter, plus any Equity Base Universe voter in 24G3].

24G3: [(Voted at least 1 of 3/24 or any 2023 election), Or (Voted at least 3 of 3/20, 9/21, 6/22 or 11/22, with at least 1 being 11/22)].

24G3E: [Any 24G3 voter, plus any Equity Base Universe voter in 24G4].

24G4: [(Voted at least 1 of 3/24 or any 2023 election), Or (Voted at least 2 of 9/21, 6/22 or 11/22, with at least 1 being 11/22)].

24G4E: [Any 24G4 voter, plus any Equity Base Universe voter in 24G5].

24G5: [(Voted at least 1 of 3/24 or any 2023 election), Or (Voted at least 2 of 11/20, 9/21, 6/22 or 11/22), Or (Registered since 9/21 & voted 11/22)] & to qualify for universe voter had to have voted in 11/22, 3/24 or any 2023 election.

24G5E: [Any 24G5 voter, plus any Equity Base Universe voter in 24G6].

24G6: [(Voted at least 1 of 11/22, 3/24 or any 2023 election), Or (Registered since 11/20 & voted 9/21).

24G7: [(Voted at least 1 of 9/21, 6/22, 11/22, 3/24 or any 2023 election), Or (Voted 11/20 & Re-Registered since 11/22).

24G7A: [Any 24G7 voter, plus any voter that voted 11/20 & Re-Registered since 9/21].

24G7B: [Any 24G7A voter, plus any voter that Registered since 3/20 & voted 11/20].

24G7C: [Any 24G7B voter, plus any voter that Registered since 3/24 using an Active Registration method]. For other helpful information visit http://politicaldata.com/

24G8: [(Voted at least 1 of 11/20, 9/21, 6/22, 11/22, 3/24 or any 2023 election), Or (Any voter that Registered since 11/22 using an Active Registration method)].

24G8A: [Any 24G8 voter, plus any voter that Registered since 11/22].

24G8B: [Any 24G8 voter, plus any voter that Registered since 6/22].

24G8C: [Any 24G8 voter, plus any voter that Registered since 9/21].

24G8D: [Any 24G8 voter, plus any voter that Registered since 11/20].

24GGOTV: Only mid and low propensity voters from 24G8D, EXCLUDING ANY high propensity voter in 24G4.

24GWRAP: Only mid and low propensity houses with voters from 24G8D, EXCLUDING ANY HOUSES with at least 1 high propensity voter in 24G4.

All of the above likely voter universes exclude any voters we have identified as deceased or moved from their current residential address

“Registered since” is defined as a voter with a registration date after the 15 day close of registration for a given election date.

“Active Registration Method” includes voters who last method of registration was pro-active. These voters actually went out of their way, either online, or going to find a paper form and mailed it in. By showing that they are taking active steps to register they are signaling that it matters to them and we have seen higher turnout from these voters.

“Equity Base universe voters” include minority voters, renters and younger voters who are typically more transient, susceptible disenfranchisement or likely to fall off and re-register between elections.