Candidates, Issues and Ballot Measures

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Candidate and Issue Overview

Creating Candidates and Issues

Managing Candidates and Issues



Candidates and Issues gives you a place to direct your ID Flags and support statuses. This page can also be used to change the election cycle of a candidate or issue, which allows you to capture support status for a selected election cycle. Click here to view more information on transitioning election cycles. BlueVote allows you to add an unlimited amount of candidates and issues to an account.

  • The Candidates / Issues tab can be accessed by hovering over the Admin section in the Navigation Menu, then clicking on the Flags & Surveys button. The page may automatically open to the Candidates / Issues tab; if it does not, click on Candidates / Issues.
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Candidate and Issue Overview

The Candidate / Issue tab serves 2 purposes within the PDI program. The first is to divide the current support status and ordinary flags by candidate. This allows you to reuse Support ID Flags and regular ID Flags across multiple questions, reducing the need of cluttering your account with a unique ID Flag Set for each Candidate / Issue. The second is dividing the support status for a Candidate / Issue by election cycle. This allows you to track a voters support status through the Primary Election, and start fresh during the General Election.

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  • Candidate / Ballot Measure / Issue - Determines if you will be creating a Candidate or an Issue in the program. BlueVote uses this information internally to track our clients.
    • Once you have selected the type of support source, the fields in the pop-up will change. The above picture is of the fields for creating a new Candidate. Below are pictures of the fields for creating a new Ballot Measure or Issue.
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      Notice that if you are creating a new Candidate, there is no drop-down menu for Support or "Yes" Response Indicates. If you are creating a new Issue, there is no Name field.
  • Name of Candidate / Ballot Measure Campaign Name - Controls the name of the Candidate or Ballot Measure. This is the name of the Candidate / Issue you will see throughout the program. You will use this when creating Survey Questions, queries, and count reports.
  • Candidate Office / "Yes" Position Is - Determines the office of the candidate or the position of the issue / ballot measure. BlueVote uses this information internally to track our clients.
  • Issue - The drop-down menu allows you to specify the issue. BlueVote uses this information internally to track our clients.
  • Description - Allows you to add additional information to your Candidate / Issue.
  • Election Cycle - Determines which election cycle's support status is viewable and accessible in the program for that candidate or issue. Note: There is a 15 minute wait period between making a change here, and the data changing in the program.
  • Make this Item the Default for My Support IDs - Determines which candidate's or issue's support status is displayed in the Key Support Statistics section. This will also determine which candidate's or issue's support status is displayed in the canvassing tools by default.


Creating Candidates and Issues

Creating New Candidates

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Candidate / Ballot Measure / Issue drop down menu to select Candidate.
  3. Use the Candidate Name text box to enter in the Candidate's name.
  4. Use the Candidate Office for This Election drop-down menu to select the office the candidate is running for.
  5. (Optional) Use the Description text box to enter in a description for the candidate.
  6. Use the Election Cycle box to select the election cycles' support status that will be visible throughout the program. Note: You can select multiple election cycles at one time.
  7. (Optional) Activate the Make this Item the Default for My Support IDs check box to make the candidate the default candidate for the account.
  8. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to assign the candidate to a permission group.
    1. Activate the checkboxes of the Data Permission Group that should have access to this candidate.
    2. Click the Save button in the Permission Assignments pop-up.
  9. Click the Save button.


Creating New Ballot Measures

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Candidate / Ballot Measure / Issue drop down menu to select Ballot Measure.
  3. Use the Ballot Measure Campaign Name text box to enter in the name of the ballot initiative.
  4. Use the "Yes" position is: position is' drop down menu to select if the Yes position on the ballot initiative is Progressive or Conservative.
  5. Use the Issue drop down menu to select the category for the ballot initiative.
  6. (Optional) Use the Description (Optional) textbox to enter in description for the ballot initiative.
  7. Use the Election Cycle box to select the election cycles' support status that will be visible throughout the program. Note: You can select multiple election cycles at one time.
  8. (Optional) Activate the Make this Item the Default for My Support IDs to make the ballot measure the default campaign for the account.
  9. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to assign the ballot measure to a permission group.
    1. Activate the checkboxes of the Data Permission Group that should have access to this ballot measure.
    2. Click the Save button in the Permission Assignments pop-up.
  10. Click the Save button.


Creating New Issues

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Candidate / Ballot Measure / Issue drop down menu to select Issue.
  3. Use the "Yes" position is: position is' drop down menu to select if the Yes position on the issue is Progressive or Conservative.
  4. Use the Issue drop down menu to select the category for the issue.
  5. (Optional) Use the Description (Optional) textbox to enter in description for the issue.
  6. Use the Election Cycle box to select the election cycles' support status that will be visible throughout the program. Note: You can select multiple election cycles at one time.
  7. (Optional) Activate the Make this Item the Default for My Support IDs to make the issue the default campaign for the account.
  8. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to assign the issue to a permission group.
    1. Activate the checkboxes of the Data Permission Group that should have access to this issue.
    2. Click the Save button in the Permission Assignments pop-up.
  9. Click the Save button.


Managing Candidates and Issues

Deactivating Candidates and Issues

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Activate the checkbox of the Candidate or Issue you would like to deactivate.
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  3. Click the Deactivated Selected Items link.
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  4. Click the Yes button in the pop-up.


Reactivating Candidates and Issues

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Activate the Show Inactive Link checkbox.
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  3. Click on the name of the inactivate Candidate or Issue you would like to reactivate.
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  4. Activate the Is Active checkbox at the bottom of the pop-up.
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  5. Click the Save button.


Changing Viewable Election Cycles

Once you have completed the Primary Election, you may find yourself wanting to restart your supporter calculations. Below are instructions for changing the viewable election cycle supporter count in your account. Note: You will need to update the election cycle in your Account Settings page first before following the instructions below.

  1. Click on the name of the Candidate or Issue that has the viewable support status you would like to change.
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  2. In the Election Cycle section deactivate the election cycle/s you would no longer like to view.
  3. In the Election Cycle section activate the election cycle/s support status you would like to view.
  4. Click the Save button.