File Pickup Page

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File Pickup Overview

Picking Up Files

Creating New Pickup Folders

Outputs that do not go through the File Pickup Page



All data containing proprietary data generated from the PDI is first distributed to a password protected File Pickup folder within the program environment. The File Pickup page provides a convenient way to temporarily store and distribute output files generated in the program. After generating an output file, such as a walk canvassing list or an electronic mail file, the file will go directly to the File Pickup page.

  • If you do not know the password to a folder, contact your Internal PDI Organization Account Administrator. If you are an Account Administrator, you can view pickup folders by hovering your cursor over the Admin section in the navigation menu, and clicking the Account Settings button. Then click the File Pickup sub-tab.
  • The File Pickup page can be accessed by clicking the File Pickup button in the Navigation Menu.

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File Pickup Overview

Any user with the File Pickup page password can download files by clicking on the file name in the grid. This is helpful when generating a large walk canvass file at one location that is too large to email to another location. To limit access to the File Pickup page, you can create multiple File Pickup folders each with their own password.

Creating multiple File Pickup pages with separate passwords can help better manage and distribute your organization’s output files. If your organization is small with only a few users, you may choose to use only one pickup folder.

File Pickup settings can be edited through the Account Settings page, accessible under the Admin option of the navigation menu.

All files will be deleted from the File Pickup page after seven (7) days.


Picking Up Files Step-By-Step

Downloading Files from the File Pickup Folder


  1. Use the drop down menu in the Available Folders category to select the folder were your files are stored.
  2. Use the text box in the Password category to enter in the password for that pickup folder.
  3. Click the Open Folder button.
  4. Click the links generated below to download your files.

Note: In most cases, the files should be immediately available following the processing message. However, large PDF list files with over 100K voters may take a few minutes to generate.


Creating New Pickup Folders

PDI allows users to create an unlimited amount of Pickup Folders for their organization / campaign. To create new Pickup Folders, click on the Admin section in the navigation menu, then General Account Settings, then File Pickup Management.

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Creating New File Pickup Folders

  1. Click the blue Create New Pickup Folder button. A pop-up box will appear.
    Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 3.54.30 PM.png
  2. Use the Folder Name text box to assign a name to your file pickup folder.
  3. Use the Password text box to assign a password to your pickup folder.
  4. (Optional) Activate the Set as Default Pickup Folder checkbox to set the folder as the default pickup folder. (Functions that export voter information but do not give you and option to choose a pickup folder, such as the 'Export Flag Data' button, will be automatically exported to the default folder.)
  5. Make sure the Is Active checkbox is activated so that you will be able to use this Pickup Folder.
  6. Click the Save button, or Save and Add New if you want to add another Pickup Folder.

Editing File Pickup Folders

  1. Click the name of a folder you would like to edit.
  2. (Optional) Use the Name text box to change the name of the pickup folder.
  3. (Optional) Use the Password text box to change the password of the pickup folder.
  4. (Optional) Activate the Set as Default Pickup Folder checkbox to make the selected folder the default pickup folder.
  5. (Optional) Deactivate the Is Active checkbox to deactivate the selected folder.

Deactivating File Pickup Folders

  1. Activate the checkbox of the Pickup Folder you would like to deactivate.
  2. Click Show Admin Options.
    Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 3.58.49 PM.png
  3. Click Deactivate Selected Items.
  4. Click Yes.

Reactivating File Pickup Folders

  1. Click Show Admin Options.
  2. Activate the Show Inactive Items checkbox.
    Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 4.09.29 PM.png
  3. Click on the name of the folder you want to reactivate.
  4. Activate the Is Active checkbox.
  5. Click Save.

Outputs that do not go through the File Pickup page

There are several places throughout the program where you can download files directly to your local computer or device. These files do not contain voter data, but may contain a list of specific volunteers or event invitees. When you generate an output such as counts, data entry session reports, or volunteer shift list, you can open it from the browser or save the file to your local computer or device.