Survey Questions

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Survey Question Overview

Understanding Non-Contact Code Sets

Creating a Survey Question

Household Observations

Where to go from Here?



Survey Questions can bundle up to two types of information together, ID Flags and Candidates / Issues. Survey Questions allow you to associate as many ID Flags to the question as your question requires. Once the Survey Question has been created, you can group them together in both Basic Surveys and Logical Branched Surveys to be utilized in our canvassing tools. The survey questions can also be used to assign flags outside of our canvassing tools in the Individual People Search page, assign flags in the Import Flags page, or used to create question blocks in the Web Form module. The Survey Question tab is also where you can create your Non-Contact Disposition Code Sets. The Non-Contact Disposition Code Set contains all of the non-contact responses you can include in your canvassing tool, such as: Not Home, Bad Number, Gated, etc.

  • The Survey Question tab can be accessed by hovering over the Admin section in the Navigation Menu, clicking the Flags & Surveys button, and clicking the Questions tab.

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Survey Question Overview

The selected Question Type will limit the type of ID Flags you will have access to while creating your Survey Question. For example, selecting the Campaign / Issue - Support option will limit you only to ID Flags that have a Support Level association.

Survey Questions using any of the Non-Contact Question Types cannot be added to Printed Surveys or Electronic Surveys since Non-Contact Dispositions Code Sets are added automatically. The Household Observation Code Sets are selected during the Mobile Canvassing Project creation process; however, they can be added in as survey questions as well.

Creating a Survey Question also allows you to customize the way responses are displayed on both your Paper Canvassing Tools and on your Electronic Canvassing Tools. This feature allows you to customize your canvassing tools to make it easier for your canvassers, while reusing your already created flags, so you are not required to create new points of data to make canvassing easier for your lesser trained canvassers. After selecting an ID Flag you can use the Code textbox to change the way the ID Flag will display on a B and use the Description textbox to change the way the ID Flag will display on a Electronic Canvassing Tool.


Understanding Non-Contact Code Sets

Each new account created in the PDI System contains 4 non-contact code sets: Non-Contact Mobile, Non-Contact Online Phone Bank, Non-Contact Phone, and Non-Contact Walk. By default, each one of these non-contact code sets are automatically attached to our canvassing tools, and do not have to be added during the creation of printed surveys or electronic surveys.

When creating new non-contact code sets for your canvassing tools, you must pay attention to two settings to ensure that your code set will display correctly. The first setting is the "Question Type" option. This option selects which canvassing tool will utilize the non-contact code set. Your options are Field Canvassing List, Phone Canvassing List, Mobile Canvassing, and Online Phone Bank, which are used on Printed Walk List, Printed Phone List, the Mobile App, and our Online Phone Bank respectively.

Once a Non-Contact question type has been selected, you will need to activate the Show these Non-Contact codes on your lists check box which will display this code set on the selected canvassing tool. Note: If you have an active previously created Non-Contact Disposition Code Set for a matching canvassing tool, it will automatically become deactivated upon saving the new Non-Contact Disposition Code Set along as the Show these Non-Contact codes on your List checkbox is active.

If this check box is not activated, you will not be able to use the code set on the selected canvassing tool, as non-contact code sets cannot be added manually to Printed Surveys or Electronic Surveys.


Creating a Non-Contact Disposition Code Set

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Survey Question Text text box to write out your survey question. This is the way you will reference your survey question throughout the program.
  3. (Optional) Use the Label text bar to assign a shorthand name for the Non-Contact Disposition Code Set.
  4. (Optional) Use the Survey Question Description to write a description for the survey question.
  5. Use the drop-down menu in the Question Type section to select one of the Non-Contact options. Note: Please review the list of Non-Contact "Question Types" above for more information.
    1. If you do not want the default responses, deactivate the Auto Fill Answers checkbox.
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  6. Activate the Show These Non-Contact codes on your lists checkbox to make this the selected Non-Contact Disposition Code Set for your selected canvassing tool. Note: (f you do not select this, you will not see these non-contact codes in your canvassing tool.
  7. Use the drop-down menu in the Answers section to assign a flag to the survey.
    1. If the flag you would like to use does not exist, click on the Add Flag button in the bottom left corner to create that flag. Click here to learn more about creating a flag.
  8. (Optional) Click the Green Plus button to add a new answer to the survey.
  9. Repeat 7-8 until you have added all of the desired responses. To remove an answer, click the Red Minus button in the row of the answer you want to remove.
  10. For any ID Flags that you would like to display differently on your Paper List, change the text in the Code textbox of the selected ID Flag.
  11. For any ID Flags that you would like to display differently on your Electronic Canvassing Tools, change the text in the Description textbox of the selected ID Flag.
  12. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to assign the Non-Contact Disposition Code Set to a permission group.
    1. Activate the checkboxes of the Data Permission Group that should have access to this Non-Contact Disposition Code Set.
    2. Click the Save button in the Permission Assignments pop-up.
  13. Click the Save button to save your Non-Contact Disposition Code Set or click Save and Add New to save the Non-Contact Disposition and create a new pop-up.


Creating a Survey Question

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Survey Question text box to write out your survey question. This is the way you will reference your survey question throughout the program.
  3. (Optional) Use the Label text bar to assign a shorthand name for the question. The default paper list generated in the program do no feature the actual Survey Question in the list, and instead will display the Label entered in the Label textbox followed by the responses. Note: If you do not enter in a label your label will display as Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.
  4. Use the Survey Question Description text box to add a description to the survey question. If text is entered in this section, our electronic canvassing tools will display this text as the survey question, rather than what is written in the Survey Question section.
  5. Use the Question Type drop-down menu to select the type of question want to create. You will can select any option except for the Non-Contact options and the Household Observation option. Note: If you would like the ability to choose all of your ID Flags, select the Campaign / Issue - Other option.
    1. (Optional) If you are not satisfied with the default responses for the question type, uncheck the Auto Fill Answers check box to remove all of the responses from the Survey Question.
  6. Use the Campaign / Issue drop-down menu to select Candidate / Issue you would like to associate with your selected question and ID Flags. (This drop-down menu will appear once you have selected a Question Type.)
  7. (Optional) Use the drop-down menu to set the Answer (ID Flags) to a response for your question. ID Flags will appear in the selected order on the survey, so be sure to select the responses in the order they should appear.
  8. (Optional) Click the Green Plus button to add a new answer to the survey.
  9. (Optional) Repeat steps 7 - 8 until you have added all of your responses.
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  10. For any ID Flags that you would like to display differently on your Paper List, change the text in the Code textbox of the selected ID Flag.
  11. For any ID Flags that you would like to display differently on your Electronic Canvassing Tools, change the text in the Description textbox of the selected ID Flag.
  12. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to assign the Survey Question to a permission group.
    1. Activate the checkboxes of the Data Permission Group that should have access to this Survey Question.
    2. Click the Save button in the Permission Assignments pop-up.
  13. Click the Save button to save your Survey Question or click Save and Add New to save the Survey Question and create a new pop-up.


Editing a Survey Question

  1. Click on the name of the Survey Question you would like to edit.
  2. Click the Continue button.
  3. (Optional) Click the Add new button.
  4. (Optional) Use the Survey Question text box to write out your survey question. This is the way you will reference your survey question throughout the program.
  5. (Optional) Use the Label text bar to assign a shorthand name for the question. The default paper list generated in the program do no feature the actual Survey Question in the list, and instead will display the Label entered in the Label textbox followed by the responses. Note: If you do not enter in a label your label will display as Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.
  6. (Optional) Use the Survey Question Description text box to add a description to the survey question. If text is entered in this section, our electronic canvassing tools will display this text as the survey question, rather than what is written in the Survey Question section.
  7. (Optional) Use the Question Type drop-down menu to select the type of question want to create. Note: If you would like the ability to choose all of your ID Flags, select the Campaign / Issue - Other option.
    1. (Optional) If you are not satisfied with the default responses for the question type, uncheck the Auto Fill Answers check box to remove all of the responses from the Survey Question.
  8. (Optional) Use the Campaign / Issue drop-down menu to select Candidate / Issue you would like to associate with your selected question and ID Flags.
  9. (Optional) Use the drop-down menu to set the Answer (ID Flags) to a response for your question. ID Flags will appear in the selected order on the survey, so be sure to select the responses in the order they should appear.
  10. (Optional) Click the Green Plus button to add a new answer to the survey.
  11. (Optional) Repeat steps 7 - 8 until you have added all of your responses.
  12. (Optional) For any ID Flags that you would like to display differently on your Paper List, change the text in the Code textbox of the selected ID Flag.
  13. (Optional) For any ID Flags that you would like to display differently on your Electronic Canvassing Tools, change the text in the Description textbox of the selected ID Flag.
  14. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to assign the Survey Question to a permission group.
    1. Activate the checkboxes of the Data Permission Group that should have access to this Survey Question.
    2. Click the Save button in the Permission Assignments pop-up.
  15. Click the Save button to save your changes.


Deactivating a Survey Question

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Activate the checkbox(es) of the Survey Question(s) you would like to deactivate.
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  3. Click the Deactivate Selected Items link.
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  4. Click the Yes button in the pop-up.


Reactivating a Survey Question

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
  2. Activate the Show Inactive Items checkbox.
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  3. Click on the name of an Inactive Survey Question.
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  4. Click the Continue button.
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  5. Click on the Make Active checkbox.
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Household Observations

Household Observations are ID Flags which tag an entire household when they are applied. Household Observation Code Sets are usually used in the Mobile App, which are selected during the creation of the Mobile Canvassing Project. However, Household Observation Code Sets can also be added to both your Printed and Electronic Surveys as a survey question.


Creating Household Observation Code Sets

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Survey Question text box to name your Household Observation Code Set. This is the way you will reference your survey question throughout the program.
  3. Use the Question Type drop-down menu to select Household Observation.
    1. (Optional) If you are not satisfied with the default responses for the question type, uncheck the Auto Fill Answers check box to remove all of the responses from the Household Observation.
  4. (Optional) Use the drop-down menu to set the Answer (ID Flags) to a response for your question. ID Flags will appear in the selected order on the survey, so be sure to select the responses in the order they should appear.
  5. (Optional) Click the Green Plus button to add a new answer to the survey.
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 4 - 5 until you have added all of your responses.
  7. For any ID Flags that you would like to display differently on your Electronic Canvassing Tools, change the text in the Description textbox of the selected ID Flag.
  8. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to assign the Household Observation Code Set to a permission group.
    1. Activate the checkboxes of the Data Permission Group that should have access to this Household Observations Code Set.
    2. Click the Save button in the Permission Assignments pop-up.
  9. Click the Save button to save your Household Observation Code Set or click Save and Add New to save the Household Observations Code Set and create a new pop-up.


Where to go from here?
