My Current Districts

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Setting and Removing District Filter



The Manage Account Geography section is accessed in the User Nav Menu located in the top right corner of the screen. This section allows you to create a reduced temporary geographic filter within their normal account geography. For example, if you have a statewide account but only need to do work in a single county, you can temporarily limit the account geography to that single county, city, and even school district. You can mix and match multiple districts and district types together in the same filter. This functionality will make the system run faster, since it is only looking at a portion of the voters. Additionally, the program will only show geographic, key statistics, and election history options for the single county


Setting and Removing District Filter

Click on your name in the right-hand corner of the navigation bar, then click Manage Account Geography.

Screen Shot 2023-08-02 at 2.36.18 PM.png

A box will appear where you can type in the city, county, district, etc. that you want to add to your district filter.

Screen Shot 2023-08-02 at 2.36.27 PM.png

Once you have entered the name in the Enter District Name text box, a list of options will appear.

Screen Shot 2023-08-02 at 2.36.42 PM.png

Click on the district you want to add.

If you want to remove a district from the list, click the X button.

Then, click Save.

After saving the new district, you will notice that the header at the top of each screen will now show your new district/s.