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Choose the People to be in your List
Processing your Output Files or List
The Process Lists and Files page is designed to simplify the process for generating printable lists and electronic files that contain data about the registered voters or people in your saved universes. The lists and files are designed to be useful for communicating with voters door to door, by phone, digital advertisement, or direct mail. Once any file, besides the digital media advertisements, is generated in this page it is sent to the organization accounts file pickup page, where it can be downloaded directly to the users computer.
All data generated from the PDI is distributed in one of the following electronic formats:
- pdf – Walk List, Phone Lists, and Polling Place Check Lists
- csv – Phone files, Mail files, Door Hanger files, Misc. files (CSV -comma separated values)
- tsv – Phone files, Mail files, Door Hanger files, Misc. files (CSV -comma separated values)
- xlsx – Phone files, Mail files, Door Hanger files, Miscellaneous files (Excel file format.)
- The Process List & Files page can be accessed by clicking on the Universe/Lists section in the Navigation Menu and clicking on Process List & Files in the sub-menu.
Before you create your list or file, click one of the drop-down boxes below to view the prerequisites for creating that list/file type.
- Digital Media Ads
- Voter Universe
- Printable Walk List
- Survey Question
- Survey
- Voter Universe
- Printable Phone List
- Survey Question
- Survey
- Voter Universe
- Electronic Phone File
- Voter Universe
- Electronic Mail File
- Voter Universe
- Misc. Output Files
- Voter Universe
- Door Hanger Labels
- Voter Universe
- Map Maker
- Voter Universe
- Custom List
- Survey Question
- Survey
- Voter Universe
- Custom Files and Custom Contact Files
- Voter Universe
- People Universe
- Quick List
- Survey Question
- Survey
- Voter Universe
- Volunteer Lists, Fundraising and Contact Files.
- People Universe
Name your List
The first textbox Name Your List or File is used to assign a name to your output file. You will be restricted to use only Microsoft Windows acceptable file name characters. Note: If you try to type a character and nothing is entered in the Name Your List or File field, it is because the character is restricted by Microsoft Windows such as “/” “\” or “?”.
Choose your List or File Type
The second drop-down menu Choose Your List or File Types asks you select the type of file you plan to generate.
The following output types are available in the program.
- Digital Media Ads - These files are used for digital media advertising, and are sent directly sent to the selected vendor. Note: These files are not sent to your File Pickup Folder.
- Printable Walk Lists – These files are generated as a printable pdf only and contains voter information grouped by Precinct and sorted for field canvassing (walking). In addition to the PDF list file, this output option also generates a PDF containing geographic precinct maps by precinct and a csv file containing precinct counts for your output universe.
- Printable Phone Lists – These files are generated as a printable PDF only and contains voter information sorted for phone canvassing.
- Electronic Phone Lists – These files are generated as csv, tsv, or Excel xlsx files and contain voters with landline or wireless (mobile) phone numbers. No single output file contains both landline and wireless phone to ensure that organizations know exactly when they are calling wireless numbers and do not inadvertently violate new FCC wireless dialing restrictions.
- Electronic Mail Files – These files are generated as csv, tsv, or Excel xlsx files and contain voters by mailing address. Registered voters can request to receive mail at an address other than the address where they legally reside. If one voter in a household with other registered voters request to receive mail at a different address, the program will create data for two mail pieces for people living at the same house. Sending mail to a voter’s residence when they have a listed alternative mailing address is not legal and may result in fines by your local Registrar of Voters.
- Miscellaneous Output Files – These files are generated as csv, tsv, or Excel xlsx files and contain voters. They have unique layouts that do not warrant their own output type category.
- Polling Place Check Lists – This output contains a list of voters by election precinct for use on Election Day. You can take these lists to a polling location and match it to the list posted hourly identifying individuals who have voted. The lists can be scanned with barcode readers for quick data entry.
- Door Hanger Labels - This output type is only available after the polling places have been released (Three weeks prior to Election Day). The files contains polling place information to be printed or placed on a door hanger.
- Map Maker – This output generates the pdf precinct maps without having to generate a list of voters. The program will run maps for each unique precinct with a voter in your Saved Universe. Note: Precinct map availability is dependent on the file provided by the county. If a particular precinct does not generate in your output, it is most likely missing from the file provided by the county.
- Custom Lists - This output is used to generate the custom layouts you can build in the Create Custom List page. These files are generated in the PDF format.
- Custom Files & Custom Contact Files -This output is used to generate the custom layouts you can build in the Create Custom Files page. These files are generated in the csv, tsv, or Excel xlsx formats.
- Quick Lists – This output type can be any walk list format. A Quick List is a bundled set of specifications (Output Type, List Format, and List Survey) for commonly used walk lists. Many organizations run walk lists based on daily needs or in small batches of precincts. Having Quick Lists lets these campaigns choose a Quick Lists instead of having to specify the Output Type, List Format, and Survey every time the process their lists. Quick Lists can be created from the Process Lists and Files page or from the Mapping Module. Quick Lists can only be processed from the Mapping Module.
- Volunteer Lists, Fundraising and Contact Files – Volunteer Lists are generated from individuals identified as Volunteers in the People Database. The lists support tasks related to the recruitment and management of volunteers. The Fundraising Lists are generated from individuals usually identified as donors in the People Database. The lists support tasks related to fundraising. Contact Files are miscellaneous output types contain individuals from the People Database.
Select a File Layout
The Select a File Layout drop-down menu is used to select the layout that will be used to generate the file. The layout options are determined by the option that was selected in the Choose your List or File. Below are a list of some of our various layout options.
- Printable Walk Lists (By Precinct)
- Walk List Not O/E (Survey Questions) – This list layout is NOT split by Odd/Even addresses and only displays Surveys.
- Walk List O/E (Survey Questions) – This list layout is split by Odd/Even addresses and only displays Surveys.
- Walk List O/E (Single Line Survey) – This list layout is split by Odd/Even addresses and only displays Surveys on a single line.
- Printable Walk Lists (By Carved Area CA) - Note: Surveys need to be created by an account administrator before generating this output.
- CA Walk List Not O/E (Survey Questions) – This list layout is NOT split by Odd/Even addresses and only displays Surveys.
- CA Walk List O/E (Survey Questions) – This list layout is split by Odd/Even addresses and only displays Surveys.
- CA New Walk List O/E – This list layout is split by Odd/Even addresses and uses a new layout with more rows per voters.
- CA New Walk List Not O/E – This list layout is NOT split by Odd/Even addresses and uses a new layout with more rows per voters.
- GOTV Outputs - There are also 9 GOTV File Layout choices and can only be processed/saved as a QuickList then printed from the Mapping Module. You will go to the Mapping Module and choose your saved GOTV QuickList as well as your Carved Area and Universe. The list will have Precinct number, Polling location and 3 checkboxes to indicate if voter was contacted on Pass 1, 2 or 3.
Printable Phone Lists
- Phone List w/Barcodes (Survey Questions) – This layout has barcodes and only displays Surveys.
- Phone List w/o Barcodes (Survey Questions) – This layout does NOT have barcodes and only displays Surveys.
- Phone List w/o Precinct Breaks (Survey Questions) – This layout has barcodes and only displays Surveys. The list is NOT grouped by precinct.
- Phone List for Wireless Phones (Survey Questions) – This layout only contains wireless phone numbers.
Electronic Phone Lists
- Standard Phone File (Landlines with Voter Info) – This file contains all qualifying voters in the household on a single record and only has Landline phone numbers. Additional voter information is included in this layout.
- Standard Phone File (Wireless) – This file contains only has Wireless phone numbers. Additional voter information is included in this layout. These numbers must be manually dialed.
- Automated Phone File – This file contains only landline phone numbers and is designed for automated dialer or robocalls (Phone number only).
- Predictive Dialer List – This file contains both landline and mobile phone numbers and is designed for Predictive Dialer programs.
- Contact Phone File – This file contains individuals in the People Database with any type of phone number.
Electronic Mail Files
- Standard Voter Mail File – This file layout is householded by mailing address and is limited to four last names per record.
Miscellaneous Output Files
- Primary IDs Only – This layout only contains Primary IDs
- Voter Comments – This layout lets you export voter comments recorded by your organization.
Choose the People to be in your List
The Choose the People to Be In Your List or File drop-down box is where you choose the Saved Universe you want to use to determine which voters or people are included in your output. By default, this list will only display the universes that have been created in your User Account. If you do not see the universe you want to use in drop-down menu, activate the Show All check box to display universes you did not create.
Some output types can accommodate adding all voters who live with a voter who qualified for your Saved Universe criteria. Activate the Include All Voters in the Qualifying Household checkbox to add all of the voters in each qualifying household to your output file.
Choose a Printable Survey
If you chose to generate a Printable Walk or Phone List you will see the Choose a Printable Survey drop-down menu, which requires you to select the Basic Survey you wish to display for each voter in your output. You may select a Logical Branched Survey but only the questions and answers will appear. The script will not.
As a reminder, Basic Surveys need to be created by an account administrator before generating this output.
Choose a File Format
If you are generating an electronic data file (not a PDF list file), you will see the File Format drop-down menu, which is were you will select the file format for the spreadsheet. The selected file format does not impact the data included in the file. It does determine how the fields will be separated and used by the external program receiving the data file. All current external data applications can read each of the format options.
Select a Pickup Folder
The final step before processing your file is using the Select a Pickup Folder drop-down menu to select the File Pickup Folder where the output file will be made available for downloading. The File Pickup Folders are password protected and allow any authorized user to download files within seven days of creation. Please review the File Pickup page for information on File Pickup Folders.
Processing your Output Files or List
Once the name has been assigned a name and all of the drop-down menus have been assigned a value, you can proceed to process your output file by clicking the Process File button. The processing status image will appear.
If the output type is outside of your contract you will be met with a billing authorization screen. This screen will display the cost of the file, and require that you enter in your authorization password to make the purchase.
When the output file or list has finished processing, a dialog box will appear informing you that your output has been successfully generated. A list record count is provided along with an icon that will take you directly to the File Pickup page where your file can be downloaded.
You can click the Close button to remain on the Process Lists and Files page.
Adding Geography
In many cases, users want to generate an output file or list for only a small geographic portion of their Saved Universe without having to create a new Saved Universe. You can do this easily from the Process Files and Lists page by clicking on the Add Geography button located at the bottom of the page. This button appears only after you have selected your Saved Universe.
A pop up window will appear resembling the Geographic Options tab of the Create Universes module. From the window, you can select one or more geographies and click the Add Criteria button. This process will add a temporary filter to your selected Saved Universe for only the output you are actively generating. The Saved Universe will keep its original criteria for use in future output.
Adding a Geographic Filter
- Click the Add Geography button.
- Use the List of Districts drop down menu to select the type of district you would like to use for a geographic filter.
- (Optional) Use the Only Areas drop down menu to select a filter type for the selected districts in the List of Districts section
- (Optional) Use the "Areas" drop down menu to select the district to filter the results in the "Description" section.
- Click on the items you would like to add.
- If an area was added in error, click on the area again to remove it.
- Click the Add Criteria to Universe button.
Custom Options
There are a few modifications that can be made to the PDF list formats. After you select your output type, a Show Custom Options link will appear at the top right corner of the Process Lists and Files page.
Clicking the Show Custom Options button will display new options for your output on the right side of the page. The first three options allow you to identify subgroups of voters on your list pages with a check mark, bold print, or a user selected three- character code. The subgroups are selected from the Saved Universes that are created in the Create Voter Universes page. You can utilize any combination of the three differentiating options.
The fourth option lets you modify the sort of your list by Congressional District, State Senate District, or Assembly District. By default, the list are organized in numerical order by precinct, within the precinct the are organized by street name in alphabetical order, and within the street they are organized by address number in numerical order.
Our default list formats will display a voter’s most recent Support Status ID based on the Organization Account's default candidate or ballot measure. The fifth option allows you to select an alternative candidate's or ballot measure's current Support Status ID to display on the list. If your account does not have more than one candidate or ballot measure you do not have to worry about this drop-down menu.
All lists generated from the Process Lists and Files page have a default Acquisition Type code assigned by default. If you want to utilize a different Acquisition Type, you can select one from the Acquisition Type drop-down menu.
There is a checkbox at the bottom of the Show Custom Options section. Activating the Do Not Remove Dead, NCOA, or Voted checkbox will include the Dead, National Change of Address, and Voted individuals back into your file, as long as they were not removed from your base universe.
- Choose the People to Display as a Check Mark -Displays a check mark next to the name of the individual if they belong in the selected universe. Note: The selected universe does not add people to the list, but instead just designates any individual that meet the criteria of the selected universe, while appearing in the main universe.
- Choose the People to Display With Bold Print - Bolds the name of the individual if they belong in the selected universe. Note: The selected universe does not add people to the list, but instead just designates any individual that meet the criteria of the selected universe, while appearing in the main universe.
- Choose the People to Display a Three Character Code - Displays a 3 character code next to the name of the individual if they belong in the selected universe. Note: The selected universe does not add people to the list, but instead just designates any individual that meet the criteria of the selected universe, while appearing in the main universe.
- Choose District Sort - Sorts the printed list by the selected district.
- Choose Candidate / Issue for Support Codes - Points the ID Flags in the printed list to the selected Candidate/Issue.
- Acquisition Type - Changes the Acquisition Type of the list to the selected acquisition type.
- Do Not Remove Dead, NCOA, or Voted - Includes individuals who have been marked as Dead, NCOA, or Voted to the list being generated.
Creating List Step-By-Step
The Process Lists and Files page contains many different list and file types, with an array of options. Use the drop-down links below to view the instructions for each file type.
Walk List
- Use the Name Your List or File textbox to assign a name to your file.
- Use the Choose your List or File drop-down menu to select Printable Walk List.
- Use the Select File Layout to select the layout you want to use for the walk list. Note: The O/E options will place Odd and Even houses on separate pages, while the Not O/E options will place them on the same page.
- Use the Choose the People To Be In Your List or File drop-down menu to select the Universe you would like to use to generate the list.
- (Optional) If the universe you are searching for is not in the drop down menu, activate the Show All checkbox in the top right corner of the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) If you would like to include voters outside of your universe that reside in the houses in your universe, activate the Include All Voters In the Household checkbox located towards the bottom of the page.
- Use the Choose Your Survey drop-down menu to select the Printed Survey you want to use for the walk list.
- Use the Select a Pickup Folder drop-down menu to select the Pickup Folder where this file will generate..
- Click the Process File button to create your walk list.
- Go the File Pickup screen to download your walk list.
Phone List
- Use the Name Your List or File textbox to assign a name to your file.
- Use the Choose your List or File drop-down menu to select Printable Phone Lists.
- Use the Select File Layout drop-down menu to select the layout you want to use for the phone list.
- Use the Choose the People To Be In Your List or File drop-down menu to select the Universe you would like to use to generate the list.
- (Optional) If the universe you are searching for is not in the drop down menu, activate the Show All checkbox in the top right corner of the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) If you would like to include voters outside of your universe that reside in the houses in your universe, activate the Include All Voters In the Household checkbox located towards the bottom of the page.
- Use the Choose Your Survey drop-down menu to select the Printed Survey you want to use for the phone list.
- Use the Select a Pickup Folder drop-down menu to select the Pickup Folder where this file will generate.
- Click the Process File button to create your phone list.
- Go the File Pickup screen to download your phone list.
Electronic Phone File
- Use the Name Your List or File textbox to assign a name to your file.
- Use the Choose your List or File drop-down menu to select Electronic Phone Files.
- Use the Select File Layout drop-down menu to select the layout of your phone file.
- Use the Choose the People To Be In Your List or File drop-down menu to select the Universe you would like to use to generate the file.
- (Optional) If the universe you are searching for is not in the drop down menu, click the Show All check box in the top right corner of the drop down box.
- (Optional) If you would like to include voters outside of your universe that reside in the houses in your universe, activate the Include All Voters In the Household checkbox located towards the bottom of the page.
- Use the File Format drop-down menu to select the type of spreadsheet you would like to generate.
- Use the Select a Pickup Folder drop-down menu to select the Pickup Folder where this file will generate.
- Click the Process File button to create your electronic phone file.
- Go the File Pickup screen to download your electronic phone file.
Mail File
- Use the Name Your List or File textbox to assign a name to your file.
- Use the Choose your List or File drop-down menu to select Electronic Mail Files.
- Use the Select File Layout drop-down menu to select the layout of your mail file.
- Use the Choose the People To Be In Your List or File drop-down menu to select the Universe you would like to use to generate the file.
- (Optional) If the universe you are searching for is not in the drop down menu, click the Show All check box in the top right corner of the drop down box.
- (Optional) If you would like to include voters outside of your universe that reside in the houses in your universe, activate the Include All Voters In the Household checkbox located towards the bottom of the page.
- Use the File Format drop-down menu to select the type of spreadsheet you would like to generate.
- Use the Select a Pickup Folder drop-down menu to select the Pickup Folder where this file will generate.
- Click the Process File button to create your electronic mail file.
- Go the File Pickup screen to download your electronic mail file.
- My list is smaller than my universe - Individuals who have been marked as Dead, NCOA, or Voted are automatically removed from each list upon generation. You will need to activate the Do Not Remove Dead, NCOA, or Voted check box in the Custom Options section.
- There are no options in the Survey drop down menu - There are 2 reasons why no options are available in the Survey drop down menu. You will need to first make sure that you have selected a file layout that uses Survey Questions. If you have confirmed that you have selected a layout that uses Survey Questions then your problem is you have that you do not have any active Surveys. Click here for information on creating a Survey.