Data Entry Canvass / Phone List

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Accessing the Data Entry Page

Standard Barcode Scanning

Reverse Barcode Scanning

Manual Data Entry



The Canvass / Phone List page is designed to make the process for entering data from printed walk and phone lists as simple and efficient as possible. This module supports two methods of data entry: barcode scanning and manual data entry from your computer keyboard. Each method has different strengths, choosing the best method for your organization usually comes down to the affordability of barcode scanners and volume of data to be entered. The Barcode scanning process is designed to simplify the data entry process, while providing the additional benefits of speed and accuracy. Don’t be intimidated by barcode technology. A barcode is nothing more than a special font that is readable to light scanners. Scanning barcodes requires the use of a standard Code 39 barcode wand or gun that plugs into your computer’s USB port.

When you first open the Canvass / Phone List page you will notice that the page has three tabs. The first two tabs feature our data entry methods that utilize barcode scanners, while the third tab is for Manual Data Entry which allows you enter data collected from your lists without the use of barcode readers.


Accessing the Data Entry Page

To access the Printable List - Data Entry page, hover the mouse over the Outreach section of the Navigation Menu at the top of the page. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on Door to Door Canvassing.


Then, click on Printable List - Data Entry.

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Standard Barcode Scanning




To start the barcode scanning process, enter in your List ID, located at the top of each page of your canvassing list, into the Enter the List ID from your Printed List textbox. Once the List ID has been entered, you can then use the Canvasser Name drop-down menu to associate the flags with a canvasser in your account, and use the Date Canvassed textbox to enter in a date you would like to associate with the flags.To begin scanning, click on the green Start Scanning button. If you would like to change the Acquisition Type or Printed Survey associated with the printed list, activate the Change Settings checkbox and use the Change Acquisition Code or Change Barcode Value Type drop-down menus to change the Acquisition Type and Printed Survey respectively. Once your selections have been made, click the Create Response Template button to generate a PDF that contains a PDF file that includes barcodes for all of your responses. Click the Start Scanning Mode to begin the scanning process.

The scanning process for Standard Barcode Scanning starts by scanning the barcode of the voter on the printed list. The barcode, voter name, and voter address will populate in the Scanned ID Value, Voter Name, and Voter Address textboxes respectively. You will then scan barcodes on the response template that reflect the voter’s survey responses. As you scan a response, a new row will be added to the bottom of the page to verify the data has been correctly entered.

Once you have completed scanning the responses for a voter, you can move on to the next voter by scanning their barcode on the canvassing list. Continue the process until you have completed your scanning. Once you have completed your scanning you can click on the Data Entry Report button at the bottom of the page for a detailed summary of your scanning.

If you want to add additional information about a voter, click on the Add Phone, Email, Comments button. This will display the Enhanced Phone, Enhanced Mobile, Enhanced Email, and Comment textboxes which will allow you to add home phone numbers, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and comments respectively. To remove erroneously entered responses, activate the checkbox to the left of the erroneous response and click the Delete Selected Entries button.


  1. Use the Enter the List ID From Your Printed List textbox, enter in the List ID from your phone or walk list. Note: This is located at the top of the each page of your printed list.
  2. (Optional) Use the Canvasser Name drop-down menu to select a canvasser to associate the flags that you plan to enter..
  3. (Optional) Use the Date Canvassed textbox to enter in the date you would like to associate with the flags you plan to enter.
    1. (Optional) If you would like to use a different Acquisition Type and /or Printed Surveythan what is associated with your printed list, activate the Change settings checkbox to show more options.
      1. (Optional) If you would like to use a different Acquisition Type than what is associated with the printed list, use the Change Acquisition Code drop-down menu to select the new Acquisition Type.
      2. (Optional) If you would like to use a different Printed Survey than what was associated with the printed list, use the Change Barcode Value Type drop-down menu to select the new Printed Survey.
  4. Click the Create Response Template to generate a PDF that contains barcodes reach response. Note: You will need to print this file.
  5. Click the Start Scanning Mode button.
  6. Scan in the Voter's PDI ID barcode from the printed list.
  7. Scan each of the Voter's responses on the Response Template. After a short delay, the name of the voter and the response will be posted to the Barcode Scan Log table. The Standard Barcode Scanning tab will automatically save all results.
    1. (Optional) To remove erroneously entered responses, activate the checkbox to the left of the response in the Barcode Scan Log table.
    2. (Optional) Click the Delete button.
  8. (Optional) If you would like to add additional contact information or comments to the individuals record, click the Add Phone, Email, Comments button.
    1. (Optional) Use the Enhanced Phone textbox to enter in the new home phone number.
    2. (Optional) Use the Mobile Phone textbox to enter in the new mobile phone number.
    3. (Optional) Use the Enhanced Email textbox to enter in the new email address.
    4. (Optional) Use the Comment textbox to enter in a comment
    5. Click the Save button.
  9. Repeat steps 6 - 8 until you have completed your scanning.
  10. When barcode scanning has been completed, click the Stop Scanning button.
  11. (Optional) Click the Session Report button to generate a spreadsheet report of the ID Flags you recorded during your barcode scanning session.


Reverse Barcode Scanning

To start the barcode scanning process, enter in your List ID, located at the top of each page of your canvassing list, into the Enter the List ID from your Printed List textbox. Once the List ID has been entered, you can then use the Canvasser Name drop-down menu to associate the flags with a canvasser in your account, and use the Date Canvassed textbox to enter in a date you would like to associate with the flags.To begin scanning, click on the green Start Scanning button. If you would like to change the Acquisition Type or Printed Survey associated with the printed list, activate the Change Settings checkbox and use the Change Acquisition Code or Change Barcode Value Type drop-down menus to change the Acquisition Type and Printed Survey respectively. Once your selections have been made, click the Create Response Template button to generate a PDF that contains a PDF file that includes barcodes for all of your responses. Click the Start Scanning Mode to begin the scanning process.

Just as it sounds, Reverse Barcode Scanning is the reverse of Standard Barcode Scanning. You will first scan the barcode of the response that you would like to enter, followed by scanning the barcode of each voter that should receive the response. This will cut back on the number of required scans, however, you will need to keep track of which responses have already been scanned.


  1. Use the Enter the List ID From Your Printed List textbox, enter in the List ID from your phone or walk list. Note: This is located at the top of the each page of your printed list.
  2. (Optional) Use the Canvasser Name drop-down menu to select a canvasser to associate the flags that you plan to enter..
  3. (Optional) Use the Date Canvassed textbox to enter in the date you would like to associate with the flags you plan to enter.
    1. (Optional) If you would like to use a different Acquisition Type and /or Printed Surveythan what is associated with your printed list, activate the Change settings checkbox to show more options.
      1. (Optional) If you would like to use a different Acquisition Type than what is associated with the printed list, use the Change Acquisition Code drop-down menu to select the new Acquisition Type.
      2. (Optional) If you would like to use a different Printed Survey than what was associated with the printed list, use the Change Barcode Value Type drop-down menu to select the new Printed Survey.
  4. Click the Create Response Template to generate a PDF that contains barcodes reach response. Note: You will need to print this file.
  5. Click the Start Scanning Mode button.
  6. Scan the barcode of the ID Flag you would like to enter.
  7. On your printed list, scan the barcode of each that should receive that flag.
    1. (Optional) To remove erroneously entered responses, activate the checkbox to the left of the response in the Barcode Scan Log table.
    2. (Optional) Click the Delete button.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you have completed your scanning.
  9. When barcode scanning has been completed, click the Stop Scanning button.
  10. (Optional) Click the Session Report button to generate a spreadsheet report of the ID Flags you recorded during your barcode scanning session.



Manual Data Entry

The Manual Data Entry process starts out the same way as the other data entry methods. You will need to use the Enter the List ID From Your Printer List textbox to enter in the List ID from your printed List You can use the Canvasser Name drop-down menu to associate a canvasser with the ID Flags you plan to enter. If you plan on changing the Acquisition Type, Printed Survey associated with the printed list, or the date that will be associated with ID Flags, activate the Change settings checkbox. You can then use the Change Acquisition Code, Surveys on List and Date textboxes to select a new Acquisition TypePrinted Survey, or date respectively. The remaining drop-down menus allows you to filter the list of people by Precincts, Carved Areas, Street Name, Odd / Even addresses, and you can even filter to a specific voter by using the PDI ID Search textbox.

Manual Data Entry is best used when you are entering only a few pages of data, or when you do not have access to a barcode scanner. While using the Manual Data Entry process the voters will display on your screen in the same order as they appear on your canvassing list. Data is entered by selecting the marked survey responses in the drop-down menus on the page, which are located in each voter record. New phone numbers and email addresses can be added by clicking the Add Phone / Email link the record you would like to update. This will provide you with access to the Phone and Email textboxes where you can add a new phone number and email. Comments can be added by clicking the Add Comments link, which will provide you with the Comment textbox where you can add your new comment.


  1. Use the Enter the List ID From Your Printer List textbox to enter in the List ID from your printed list.
  2. (Optional) If you would like to change the Acquisition Type or Printed Survey associated with the printed list or change the date associated with the flags you would like to enter, activate the Change Settings checkbox.
    1. (Optional) If you would like to change the Acquisition Type associated with the list, use the Change Acquisition Code drop-down menu to select the new Acquisition Type.
    2. (Optional) If you would like to change the Printed Survey associated with the list, use the Surveys on List drop-down menu to select the new Printed Survey.
    3. (Optional) If you would like to associate a previous date with the flags you plan to enter, use the Date textbox to enter a new date.
  3. (Optional) Use the Canvasser Name drop-down menu, to select the canvasser associated with the list.
  4. (Optional) Use the Precinct / Area drop-down menu to filter your list by precinct or carved area.
  5. (Optional) Use the Street Name drop-down menu to filter your list by street name.
  6. (Optional) Use the Odd / Even drop-down menu to filter your list by odd or even addresses.
  7. (Optional) Use the PDI ID Search textbox to enter in the individuals PDI ID to search for a specific voter record.
  8. In the desired voter row, use the Select Answer drop-down menus to select the correct responses for their corresponding questions.
  9. (Optional) Click the Add Phone / Email link on the right side of a respondents row to display a data entry box to update the respondents phone number and email address.
    1. Use the Phone textbox to enter in the new phone number.
    2. Use the Email textbox to enter in the new email address.
  10. (Optional) Click the Add Comments link on the right side of a respondents row to display a data entry box to add comments to a respondents profile.
    1. Use the Comment textbox to enter in the comment.
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 until you have finished your data entry.
  12. Click the Save Changes button to save the ID Flags and Updates you have added or click Save / Next Page to save your ID Flags and Updates and move to the next page. Note: If you plan on using the page selection box at the bottom of the page make sure you click the Save Changes button first, or your previous selections will not be saved.
  13. WARNING: Manual Data Entry does not save automatically. Make sure you click Save Changes before you exit the page.