Manage Canvassing Projects

Amelia Huchley
Amelia Huchley
  • Updated

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Creating a New Project

Creating Mobile Canvassing Assignments

Refreshing your Mobile Project

Managing Mobile Projects



The Manage Canvassing Projects page gives you the ability to create and manage your Mobile Canvassing Projects, as well as create canvassing assignments. This page can be used to extend the date of the Mobile Canvassing Projects, along with deactivating and reactivating Mobile Canvassing Projects. You can also use this page to edit active Mobile Canvassing Projects, so those projects will display differentiating elements such as check marks and 3 character codes to make particular voters stand out or even hide party designation from your canvassers.

  • To access the Manage Canvassing Projects page, hover the mouse over the Outreach section of the Navigation Menu, click on Door to Door Canvassing, and then click Manage Canvassing Projects.


Creating a New Project

Click the blue Create New Project button on the right side of the screen. A pop-up box will appear.

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  • Enter Name of Canvassing Project - Assign a name to your project.
  • Select the Project Type - Choose whether your project is a Canvassing project, a Lookup project, or a Workplace project.
    • If you select Lookup, you will not be able to select a Saved Universe or show Custom Data Options.
    • If you select Workplace, you will not have the option to Include All Voters In the Household.
  • Select the Saved Universe for the Project - Choose the voter universe that will be used to generate the project.
    • Include All Voters In the Household - Activating this checkbox will include all the voters in every household that has at least one voter in the selected universe.
  • Select the Project's Base Survey - Choose the Electronic Survey that will be used to generate the project.
  • Start Date and End Date - The dates that the project assignments will become accessible to canvassers and no longer be accessible to canvassers, respectively.
  • Organizer's Phone - Set the phone number that will be available in the Mobile Canvassing App.
  • Allow "On The Go" Assignments - If this checkbox is activated, canvassers will be able to create their own assignments by receiving lists of voters near their current location.
  • Allow Auto Assignments - Activating this checkbox allows canvassers to download individual assignments by selecting an assignment zone in the Mobile Canvassing App.

If you click Show Additional Options, more sections will appear.

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  • Select a Household Observation - Set the Household Observations that will be available for selection in the Mobile Canvassing App.
  • Select a Different Acquisition Type for Canvassing Mode - Set an Acquisition Type for flags that are collected in Canvassing Mode.
  • Select a Different Acquisition Type for Call Mode - Set an Acquisition Type for flags that are collected in the Online Phone Bank.
  • Remove Party Field from Project - Activating this checkbox hides party affiliation in the Mobile Canvassing App.
  • Select a Saved Universe for the Second Survey - Select a secondary group of voters that will receive a different Survey from the Base Survey.
  • Add an Optional Second Survey - Select the Survey that the group of voters selected in Select a Saved Universe for the Second Survey will receive.
  • Select a Saved Universe for the Third Survey - Select a tertiary group of voters that will receive a different Survey from the Base Survey.
  • Add an Optional Third Survey - Select the Survey that the group of voters selected in Select a Saved Universe for the Third Survey will receive.
    • Note: The Third Survey is lower priority than the Second Survey. If a voter meets the qualifications for the Second Survey group, the Third Survey group, and the base universe for the project, they will receive the Second Survey. If they meet the qualifications for the Third Survey group and the base universe, but not the Second Survey group, they will receive the Third Survey. If they meet the qualifications for the base universe, but not the Second Survey group or the Third Survey group, they will receive the base Survey.

If you click Show Custom Data Options, another section will appear.

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This section allows you to label individuals who meet the requirements for custom data fields. Click the blue Plus button to add more fields. To remove a field, click the trash can icon on the right side.


Creating Mobile Canvassing Assignments

Once you have created a Mobile Canvassing Project, you can create assignments and send them to canvassers.

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Select an Assignment Method from the drop-down menu, then click Go.


Creating Assignments Using List Methods

These instructions apply to the following Assignment Methods:

  • Assign Turf from List
  • Assign Precincts from List
  • Assign Precincts from List with Counts
  • Assign Election Precincts from List
  • Assign Workplace from List
  • Assign 2020 Census Blocks from List

You will see a table with a list of areas to canvass, corresponding to the type of Assignment Method you selected. In the below screenshot, because the selected Assignment Method is Assign Turf from List, the table shows turfs.

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If you are assigning turfs, you will be able to filter the table to show turfs in a specific group by selecting an Area Group in the Turf Group drop-down menu in the upper left corner. You will also be able to filter by the person who created the turf by selecting an option in the Created By drop-down menu. These options are not available for Assignment Methods that assign precincts.

You can also filter by organizer (Filter Canvassers Assigned to Organizer) and assignment zone (Filter By Assignment Zone). If you need to add a new canvasser, click the blue Add New Canvasser button on the right-hand side of the screen.

To assign canvassers to an area, you can either activate the Select checkbox in the row of the area you want to assign canvassers to, or you can click on the Canvasser 1 or Canvasser 2 fields in the row.

Drop-down menus will appear in the Canvasser 1 and Canvasser 2 fields.

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Use these drop-down menus to select canvassers for this area. If you want to assign only one canvasser to the area, select that canvasser in the Canvasser 1 drop-down menu and leave the Canvasser 2 drop-down menu set to Select a Canvasser.

Repeat this process until you have assigned canvassers to every area you want to assign canvassers to, then click the blue Save Assignments and Send to Devices button in the bottom right-hand corner to send the assignments to your canvassers' devices.


If you would like to assign more than two canvassers to the area, click on the link in the Turf Name column. A pop-up will appear.

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Activate the checkboxes for the canvassers you want to assign. If a canvasser is already assigned to an area, it will be listed in the Turf or Precinct Currently Assigned column. You can also use the Filter By Organizer drop-down menu and the Search Canvassers text box to narrow the list of canvassers in the table. If you need to add a new canvasser, click the blue Add New Canvasser button in the top right corner of the pop-up.

Once you have selected all of the canvassers you want to assign to this area, click the blue Save Assignments and Send to Devices button in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up to send the assignments to your canvassers' devices.


Creating Assignments Using Map Methods

These instructions apply to the following Assignment Methods:

  • Assign Turf from Map
  • Assign Turf from Map with Counts
  • Assign Precincts from Map
  • Assign Precincts from Map with Counts
  • Assign 2020 Census Blocks from Map
  • Assign 2020 Census Blocks from Map with Counts

You will see a map.

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Click on an area to select it.

If you would like to create an Assignment Zone, select the area(s) you want to include in the Assignment Zone, then click the Create Assignment Zone button in the top right corner (to the left of the paintbrush icon). You can include multiple areas in one Assignment Zone.

You can choose to either add this area to an existing Assignment Zone or create a new Assignment Zone. If you are adding to an existing Assignment Zone, select the Assignment Zone from the drop-down menu. If you are creating a new Assignment Zone, enter a name, select an expiration date, and select a color for the Assignment Zone.

To create an assignment, double-click on an area or an Assignment Zone. (You can also single-click to select the area or Assignment Zone, then click on the Assign Canvassers button on the right-hand side of the screen, above the Search icon.) A pop-up box will appear.

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Activate the checkboxes for the canvassers you want to assign. If a canvasser is already assigned to an area, it will be listed in the Turf or Precinct Currently Assigned column. You can also use the Filter By Organizer drop-down menu and the Search Canvassers text box to narrow the list of canvassers in the table. If you need to add a new canvasser, click the blue Add New Canvasser button in the top right corner of the pop-up.

Once you have selected all of the canvassers you want to assign to this area, click the blue Save Assignments and Send to Devices button in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up to send the assignments to your canvassers' devices.


My Assignments

Once you have sent assignments to your canvassers' devices, you will be able to see those assignments in the My Assignments section at the bottom of the page.

On the Manage Assignments sub-tab, you will see the assignments listed by area.

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In this section, you can filter assignments by organizer (Filter Canvassers Assigned to Organizer), search for specific areas (Find Precinct/Turf), filter to show only a specific Turf Group (Turf Group), filter assignments by canvasser (Assignment by Canvasser), and view expired assignments (activate the View Expired Assignments checkbox).

Click the Map link to view a map of that area. A pop-up window will appear. (In order to access these maps, you will need to enable pop-ups in your browser.)

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Click the blue Print button to print this map, or the Close button to close the pop-up window.

To change the canvassing assignments for an area, click on the name of the area. A pop-up box will appear.

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You can edit assignments in this pop-up the same way you would edit them when creating the assignments. Be sure to click the Save Assignments and Send to Devices button when you're done.

To delete an assignment, click the trash can icon for the corresponding row in the table. Then, click the Save Changes and Update Devices button above the table.

To edit the due date for an assignment, click on the date in the Due Date column. A calendar pop-up will appear where you can select a new due date.


On the Review Assignments by Canvasser sub-tab, you will see the assignments listed by canvasser.

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You can click in the Area Name to change the canvassers assigned to that area.

To remove a canvasser from an assignment, click the trash can icon for the corresponding row in the table. Then, click the Save Changes and Update Devices button above the table.

To edit the due date for an assignment, click on the date in the Due Date column. A calendar pop-up will appear where you can select a new due date.


Refreshing your Mobile Project

Refreshing your Mobile Canvassing Project allows you to update your Mobile Canvassing Project to reflect the latest iteration of your Voter Universes. If the Mobile Canvassing Project was created before the release of Polling Places you will need to refresh your Mobile Canvassing Project to see Polling Place in the app.


Refreshing your Mobile Canvassing Project

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Click on the name of the canvassing project you want to refresh.

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Click Refresh.

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Click Yes in the pop-up.

Once your refresh is completed, have your canvassers refresh their mobile devices.


Managing Mobile Projects

The Manage Projects page allows you to edit the following fields of your Mobile Canvassing Projects:

  • Name
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Organizer's Phone
  • Active
  • Select a Household Observation
  • Select a Different Acquisition Type
  • Select a Universe To Display as a Check Mark
  • Select a Universe To Display as a Character Code
  • Code
  • Remove Party Field from Project
  • Remove All Personally Identifiable Information
  • Add Houses On The Go
  • GOTV Follow Up Mode

These fields are accessed by clicking on the name of the Mobile Canvassing Project you would like to edit, followed by clicking on the Show Admin Options link. Once you make any changes, click the Save button to save your changes.


Reactivating and Deactivating Mobile Canvassing Projects

  1. Click the name of the Mobile Canvassing Project you would like to reactivate or deactivate.
  2. Activate/Deactivate the Active checkbox to change the Mobile Canvassing Project's status.
  3. Click the Save button.

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You can also deactivate Mobile Canvassing Projects by clicking Show Admin Options, activating the checkbox of the project you want to deactivate, and clicking Deactivate Selected Mobile Projects.


Viewing Inactive Mobile Canvassing Projects

Inactive Mobile Canvassing Projects are projects which have been marked as inactive or which have reached their end date. They are hidden on the Manage Projects page, but you can still view and edit them.

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Activate the Include Inactive checkbox.
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You will then be able to view your inactive projects.

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Adjusting the Date of Mobile Canvassing Projects

  1. Click the name of the Mobile Canvassing Project where you would like to extend the date.
  2. (Optional) Click the Start Date textbox to change the starting date of the Mobile Canvassing Project.
  3. (Optional) Click the End Date textbox to change the ending date of the Mobile Canvassing Project.
  4. Click the Save button.