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The Manage Turfs page gives users a place where they can review all of the organization account's turfs, along with deleting turfs, assigning them to Field Coordinators, and changing the field type.
- To access the Manage Turfs page, click on the Outreach section in the Navigation Menu, click Door-to-Door Canvassing, and click Manage Turfs.
Managing Turfs
Filtering the Turf List
To filter the Turf List, click on the Show Admin Options button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. A row of options will appear.
- (Optional) Use the Turf Name drop-down menu to filter the list by name.
- (Optional) Use the Turf Group drop-down menu to filter the list by group.
- (Optional) Use the Method drop-down menu to filter the list by hand-carved turfs.
- (Optional) Use the Created By drop-down menu to filter the list by turf creator.
- (Optional) Use the Edited By drop-down menu to filter the list by the last person who edited a turf.
- Click the Filter List button.
Deactivating Turfs Individually
- (Optional) Filter the Turf List.
- Activate the checkboxes of the Turfs you would like to deactivate.
- Click the Deactivate Selected Turfs link near the top of the screen.
- Click the Yes button in the pop-up menu.
Deactivating Turfs by Election
- Use the Deactivate Election drop-down menu in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to select which election's turfs you would like to deactivate.
- Click the Deactivate Selected Turfs button.
- Click the Yes button in the pop-up menu.
Reactivating Turfs
- Activate the Show Inactive Lists checkbox in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
- (Optional) Filter the Turf List.
- Click the Activate button in the row of the Turf you would like to reactivate.
- Click the Yes button in the pop-up menu.
Editing Turfs
- (Optional) Filter the Turf List.
- Click the Edit button in the row of the Turf you would like to edit.
- (Optional) Use the Name textbox to change the name of the Turf.
- (Optional) Use the Turf Group drop-down menu to assign the Turf to a specific Group.
- Click the Save button.