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List of Email Messages Overview
The Create and Edit Emails page gives you the ability to create robust effective emails, without the need to know HTML. The Create and Edit Emails page uses a drag and drop system, allowing users to drag content blocks directly into their email to add various elements. Once a content block has been added to the email message, they can then be edited and manipulated in live time, so you can create your ideal email. The advanced options to edit and manipulate the added Content Blocks are kept in a series of sub-tabs on the right side of the screen. The advanced options feature a series of drop-down menus, checkboxes, and text boxes. Most of these advanced options are self-explanatory.
- To access the Create and Edit Emails page, hover the mouse over the Outreach section of the Navigation Menu, click on Emailing, and click Create/Edit Email Messages in the sub-menu.
List of Email Messages Overview
This page displays a grid listing all of your organization’s existing email messages. The grid has columns for the message Name, Subject, Status, Is Locked?, Locked Date, Creation Date, Modified Date, and Activate.
- Name - The name of the email message. Note: This is for internal reference.
- Subject - The name of the email subject line. This is the subject line that the recipient will receive.
- Status - Displays if the email is currently a draft, or if it has been sent.
- Is Locked? - Displays whether or not if the email message can be edited.
- Locked Date - Displays the date when the email message was locked.
- Creation Date - Displays the date when the email message was originally created.
- Modified Date - Displays the last date the email message was originally created.
- Activate - Allows you to reactivate inactive email messages.
Within the Email Messages grid, you can hover your mouse over the message name to get a quick view of the message. To view a message for editing, you must click on the message Name link.
To create a new Email Message, click on the Create a New Email Message button located in the top right corner.
Deactivating Email Messages
- Activate the checkbox of the email message you want to deactivate.
- Click the Deactivate Selected Items button.
- Click the Yes button.
Reactivating Email Messages
- Activate the Show Inactive Emails checkbox.
- Click the Activate link for the email message you want to reactivate.
Selecting a Template
You start the email creation process by clicking on the Create a New Email Message button, which will display a pop-up featuring a list of template you can use to build your email message.. The premade templates can help simplify the design process, and will save you from building your emails from scratch. We recommend starting with a layout that is closest to the layout you want to create. If none of the layout are close the email you want to build, click on the blank page template in the top left corner of the pop-up.
Clicking on the Email Template will open the template into the Email Message editor. Once the template has been opened in the editor you can change any aspect of the Email Message.
Creating Emails Overview
Once a template has been selected you will enter the Email Message Creator page. The page is divided into multiple sections which can be reviewed below.
- Email Message - The email message section is where you will drag your content blocks and create the email message.
- Content Blocks and Settings - The Content Block and Settings section is where you will select the content blocks you would like to add to your email message, and provides additional tabs allowing you to customize the page, an added content block, and singular elements within the content block.
- Send Preview and Save - The Send Preview and Save section allows you to send a preview of your email message, and save your email message.
Content Blocks
The Content Blocks tab features all of the various elements you can add to your email message. These elements are added by dragging the icon to your email message section and releasing your mouse once your see a Drop Here text box. Once the Content Block has been added, you can click on that Block Info tab and edit the configuration settings on the right margin. Added Content Blocks can be removed by clicking on the added Content Block followed by clicking on the Trashcan icon that populated to the right of the block. Added Content Blocks can be rearranged by clicking on the added Content Block, followed by dragging the four directional arrow icon.
These sections contain a graphic image that can be loaded and edited once added. If you wish to make additional edits to an image, click on the Item tab and use the Change or Edit Image options. There is an Edge to Edge check box that easily changes the image size to the maximum size of the Block Section. Make sure this option is unchecked if you want a smaller image size.
Paragraph Text
The Paragraph Text Block will add a text box to your email message.. By clicking in the section, a toolbar will appear above with numerous editing tool options. Most of the toolbar options are standard word processing functionality such as Bold, Italicize, Underline, Strike Through, Paragraph Alignment, List, Font Type, Font Size, Font Color and Background Color. Besides the previously mentioned elements, the toolbar also features a few additional elements that are not standard word processing options. The Insert Hyperlink button allows you to add a hyperlink into your textbox rather than displaying the URL. The View HTML button allows you to edit the raw HTML code of the text box. The Merge Fields drop-down menu allows you to select a merge code that will add itself at the location of your cursor.
The Separator Block will add a horizontal rule to your email message. Once added, the rule can be customized in the Item Info tab.
The Button block can be inserted to your email with editable links directing recipients to web pages. In the Item Info tab you can edit the shape, size, color, and URL of the button. Clicking on the button in the Email Message section provides you with the ability to rename the button.
Mixed Block
There are two Mixed Block Sections that combine image and text sections side by side. One option has the image on the left and text on the right side. The second option shows the image on the right and text on the left side. The changes made in the Block Info tab will affect both images, while the changes made in the Item Info tab only affect the selected image.
Image Group
This options lets you display two images side by side. The changes made in the Block Info tab will affect both images, while the changes made in the Item Info tab only affect the selected image.
Form Info
The Form Info tab allows you to make changes that will alter your entire email message.
- Body Background – This option lets you select a background color for the parts of the emails Outside the message body area.
- Message Background – This option lets you select a background color for the parts of the emails Inside the message body area.
- Message Width – This option lets you modify the width of the email message body. It is important to understand that the program will maintain the height proportions of the email as you make changes to the email’s width dimensions.
- Message Border Color – This option lets you select a color of a border around your entire email message body. If your email does not have a Border Type selected, you will not see a border even if a border color has been selected.
- Message Border Type – This option lets you display a border around your entire email message body. The options are None, Solid, Dotted, and Dashed.
- Message Border Size – This option lets you modify the size of the Border around your entire email message body. If your email does not have a Border Type selected, you will not see a border even if a border color has been selected.
Block Info
The Block Info tab alters the settings of the current selected block.
- Background Color - This option lets you select a background color for a specific section.
- Border Color – This option lets you select a color of a border around a specific Block Section. If your email does not have a Section Border Type selected, you will not see a border even if a border color has been selected.
- Border Type – This option lets you display a border around a specific Block Section. The options are None, Solid, Dotted, and Dashed.
- Border Size – This option lets you modify the size of the Border around a specific Block Section. If your email does not have a Border Type selected, you will not see a border even if a border color has been selected.
- Padding – This option controls the spacing between the section outer border and the image, text, or button within the Block Section.
Item Info
The Item Info tab lets you configure a specific item within an added Content Block. The list of options displayed on this tab will vary depending on whether you are trying to configure an image, button, or separator block.
- URL – The URL provides the web address for directing recipients who click on an image or button in your email message body.
- Alt Text – This feature replaces an image with text when the image cannot be displayed due to the recipient’s email settings.
- Width – This option controls the width of a button.
- Align – This option lets you align the text of your button label to Left, Center, or Right.
- Change Image – This option lets you replace an existing image in your email message body.
- Edit Image – This option lets you edit the existing image in your email message body. Your image will be shown in a robust image editor for making any desired modification to the image.
Merge Tags
For users who would like to personalize the subject line of their emails, you can use the following tags.
@recipient['firstname'] - Displays the first name of the voter or contact.
@recipient['lastname'] - Displays the last name of the voter or contact.
@recipient['email'] - Displays the email address of the voter or contact.
@recipient['uniqueid'] - Displays the voter id number of the voter.
@recipient['city'] - Displays the city of the voter or contact.
@recipient['BasePrecinct'] - Displays the base precinct number of the voter.
@recipient['ElectionPrecinct'] - Displays the election precinct number of the voter.
@recipient['polldesc1] - Displays the name of the voters polling location.
@recipient['polldesc2'] - Displays the subtitle of the voters polling location.
@recipient['polladdress1'] - Displays the address of the voters polling location.
@recipient['polladdress2'] - Displays the secondary portion of the address of the voters polling location.
@recipient['CD'] - Displays the congressional district number of the voter.
@recipient['SD'] - Displays the senatorial district number of the voter.
@recipient['AD'] - Displays the assembly district number of the voter.
@recipient['SUP'] - Displays the supervisorial district number of the voter.
@recipient['PartyCode'] - Displays the party registration of the voter.
Saving Email Messages
Saving your email will require the following information, you will need to provide a Name for the email which is how you will internally reference your email message, a Subject which is the subject line the recipients will receive, and select the Category which can help organize your email messages. Email categories become very helpful when you are sending many types of email messages: donation emails, event emails, volunteer emails, etc.
To save an email message, click on the Save Changes button located in the upper right corner of the Email Message Design page.
Saving an Email Message
- Click the Save Changes button.
- Use the Name text box to assign a name to your email message.
- Use the Subject text box to enter in the subject like you want your recipients to receive.
- Use the Category drop-down menu to select the Email Category folder where you would like to store the email message.
- (Optional) If the folder you would like to use does not exist click the Green Plus button.
- Use the Name text box to assign a name to the Email Folder.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Confirm button to save the email message, or click the Confirm and Schedule Delivery button to save the email message and access the Manage Email Deliveries page.
Sending Email Previews
Once the email is in its finishing stage you may want to preview your email message. We recommend sending a preview email to yourself and a small group of people in your organization to review the message content and formatting. Ideally, you want to preview the email in several different browsers and email programs to ensure the email will look as you intended on multiple technology platforms.
To send a preview, click on the Send Preview button located in the upper left corner of the Email Message Design page.
Sending an Email Preview
- Click on the Send Preview button.
- Use the Subject text box to enter in the subject line the recipient of the preview will see.
- Use the Use "From" Email Profile drop-down menu to select the email profile you want to use as the sender.
- Use the Send to text box to enter in the email address of the individual who should receive the preview