Payment Setup

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Filling out the Form



The Payment Setup page is a standard form that features fields to capture financial information about your campaign or organization. The Payment Setup page must be completed before you can use the Credit Card Fields Block in the Web Form Module.

  • The Payment Setup page can be accessed by clicking on the Outreach section in the Navigation Menu, clicking Webforms, and then clicking Payment Setup.


Filling out the Form

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Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 1.45.07 PM.png

Organization Information - Use these buttons to select your type of organization.


Your Organization's Receipt Information

Organization Name - The name of your organization.

Business Website - The URL for your organization's/campaign's website.

Email Address - The email address of the individual who should receive the receipts.

Add your Organization's Logo - (Optional) The logo for your organization.

Committee Name - The name of your committee/organization.

Doing Business as (DBA) Name(Optional) If your committee/organization is registered with a DBA name, enter it here.

Tax Identification Number (or EIN for US Businesses) - The tax identification number for your organization.

This Business accepts VISA or MasterCard independently of PDI - Activate this checkbox if you use other methods outside of the program to collect payments/contributions through debit and credit cards.

Company Address - The address of your company.


Primary Contact

First Name - The first name of your primary contact for your committee.

Last Name - The last name of your primary contact for your committee.

Birthdate - The birth date of your primary contact for your committee.

Personal ID Number - The Social Security Number of your primary contact for your committee.

Email Address - The email address of your primary contact for your committee.

Phone Number - The phone number of your primary contact for your committee.


Legal Entity’s Address

Address - The address of the committee.

Address 2 - The second line of the address of the committee.

Country - The country of the committee's address.

City - The city of the committee's address.

State - The state of the committee's address.

ZIP Code - The ZIP code of the committee's address.


Bank Account Information

Bank Account Alias - The name of the bank where the account is held.

Routing Number - The routing number of where the money will be deposited.

Account Number - The account number of where the money will be deposited.


Once you have filled out the form, you must activate the checkbox to agree to our Terms of Service and the Stripe Connected Account Agreement. Then, click Save.