Acquisition Types

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Creating New Acquisition Types

Managing Acquisition Types



The Acquisition Type indicates the method by which the data was acquired. By default, PDI includes multiple acquisition types, but more can be added in the Acquisition Type sub-tab in the Flags & Surveys page. You can specify Page Defaults on this page as well. This is optional, and can be used if all your contact methods of one type are done by one type of group. Such as all your walks are with paid canvassers, and all your phones are done by volunteers. A survey default Acquisition Type is associated with a survey when you are creating the actual list, but this can be modified during the data entry process, for printed list, if the actual Acquisition Type is different from the Acquisition Type that was originally set. Acquisition Types can be as specific or generic as you would like. They can be specific things such as 'Paid Canvass', 'Volunteer Phones', or 'Candidate Calls'; or generic groupings such as 'Calls' and 'Walks'. Acquisition Types can be used in the Account Flag Reports module to compare the results and progress from the different sections of your campaign, or used as a criteria to build your universes.

  • The Acquisition Types page can be accessed by clicking on the Admin section in the Navigation Menu, and clicking the Flags & Surveys button, followed by clicking the Acquisition Types tab.


Creating New Acquisition Types

Creating a new acquisition type

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  1. Click on the Create New Acquisition Type button.
  2. Use the Acquisition Type text box to assign a name to the acquisition type.
  3. Use the Description text box to write a description for the acquisition type.
  4. Use the Associate With drop-down menu to select a canvassing method to associate with the acquisition type.
  5. (Optional) Use the Page Default drop-down menu to make the acquisition type the default acquisition type for the selected canvassing methods.
  6. (Optional) Click the Padlock icon to add the acquisition type to a permission group.
  7. Click the Save button.


Editing an Acquisition Type

  1. Click on the name of the Acquisition Type you would like to edit.
  2. (Optional) Use the Acquisition Type text box to change the name of the Acquisition Type.
  3. (Optional) Use the Description text box to change the description of the Acquisition Type
  4. (Optional) Use the Associate With drop-down menu to select a canvassing method to associate with the Acquisition Type.
  5. (Optional) Click the Page Default box to make the Acquisition type the default Acquisition type for a canvassing method.
  6. (Optional) Activate the Active check box.
  7. Click the Save button.


Managing Acquisition Types

Deactivating an Acquisition Type

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Activate the checkbox of the Acquisition Types you would like to deactivate.
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  3. Click the Deactivate Selected Items link.
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  4. Click the Yes button in the pop-up.


Reactivating an Acquisition Type

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Activate the Show Inactive Items checkbox.
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  3. Click on the name of the Acquisition Type you would like to reactivate.
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  4. Activate the Active checkbox.
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  5. Click the Save button.


Copying Acquisition Types from Parent Accounts

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Click the Copy From Parent Account link.
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  3. Activate the checkbox(es) of the Acquisition Type you would like to copy into your account.
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  4. Click the Save button.