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Creating a New Survey

Creating a Logical Branched Survey

Creating a Basic Survey

Cloning a Survey

Managing Surveys



The PDI program features two types of surveys: Logical Branched Surveys and Basic Surveys. Both of these survey types can be used with any canvassing tool; however, they have different purposes. Logical Branched Surveys use the respondent's answers to inform the following questions in the Survey, while Basic Surveys use the same questions in the same order for every respondent.

Because Logical Branched Surveys depend on the respondent's answers, they are better suited to Electronic Canvassing Tools. If you use a Logical Branched Survey with Paper Canvassing Tools, the order of the segments in the Survey will dictate the order of the questions, and the Printed List will not feature any script elements.

Basic Surveys do not include script elements and all responses will proceed to the next question, regardless of whether the Survey is being used with paper or electronically.

Like your Survey Questions and ID Flags, your Survey can be reused as many times as you like, and even modified if necessary. Note: Removing elements from your Survey will affect your data entry process, so please make sure you are only removing questions that are no longer in use.

Your Non-Contact Code Sets are unavailable for selection in your Survey since they are added in automatically at time of list generation, as long as they have been left enabled.

  • The Survey tab can be accessed by clicking on the Admin section in the Navigation Menu, clicking Flags & Surveys, and then clicking on the Surveys sub-tab.


Creating a New Survey

To create a new Survey, go to the Surveys sub-tab and click the blue Add New button.


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  • Survey Type: Use the drop-down menu to select either Logical Branched Survey (Viewed on a Screen) or Basic Survey (Viewed on a Printed List).
  • Survey Name: Enter the name of your Survey in the textbox.
  • Preview Survey: Use this button to preview your Survey to make sure everything looks correct before you save it.
  • Is Active: This checkbox is activated by default. If you do not want this Survey to be active now, deactivate the checkbox.
    • Jump to the Managing Surveys section for more information about deactivating Surveys.
  • Cancel: Use this button to exit the page. Your changes will not be saved.
  • Save Survey: Use this button to save your Survey.

The section below varies depending on which type of Survey you have selected. Jump to the Creating a Logical Branched Survey section or the Creating a Basic Survey section for more information on the type of survey you are creating.


Creating a Logical Branched Survey

The Logical Branched Survey is created in segments. Create all of your segments first; then, set up the logic of the Survey.

Note: If you would like to create an intro segment in the top section of your Online Phone Bank, the first segment in your Logical Branched Survey cannot have an associated Survey Segment Question.


Creating Survey Segments

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Survey Type drop-down menu to select Logical Branched Survey (Viewed On a Screen).
  3. Use the Survey Name textbox to assign a name to your Survey.
  4. (Optional) Use the Survey Segment Question drop-down menu to select a question to associate with the segment.
    1. If you select a Survey Question, the Survey Segment Name textbox will be auto-filled with the name of the question.
  5. Use the Survey Segment Name textbox to assign a name to your segment. This is how you will reference this segment while you are creating your Survey.
    1. This step is optional if this textbox has been auto-filled with a selected Survey Question; you can also edit the auto-filled name if desired.
  6. (Optional) Use the Segment Script textbox to enter in a script for the segment.
  7. Click the Add Survey Segment button to add the segment to your electronic survey. You will then see a corresponding Segment Tab at the bottom of the page.
  8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 until you have created all of your desired segments.

If you want to create a new question for your Survey, click the blue Add Survey Question and fill out the box that appears. (Read the Creating a Survey Question section of the Survey Questions article for instructions on how to create a new question.) Then, create a Survey Segment using your new question to add it to your Survey.

Once all the segments have been created, you will need to set up the logic of the survey. Use the Setting Up the Survey Logic section below.


Setting Up the Survey Logic

Once you have finished adding segments to the Logical Branched Survey, you are ready to start linking responses to other segments. You will need to go through your survey segment by segment to make sure the appropriate answers are being directed to the appropriate segments.

There are three types of options you have when linking segments:

  • Next, which will progress your survey to the next segment if the response is selected;
  • End Survey, which will end the survey if the response is selected;
  • The third option is to select another segment. If the response is selected, the survey will continue to the segment you selected.

You can point all responses in each segment to any of these options.

Note: If any response in your last segment is set to Next, the system will automatically end the survey after that option has been selected.

  1. Click on one of your Segment Tabs to expand the tab.
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  2. Use the drop-down boxes to select the appropriate segment for the selected response.
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  3. Repeat step 2 until all the responses are linked to their desired Segments.
  4. (Optional) If you do not want a question to be skippable, deactivate the Allow this question to be skipped? checkbox.
  5. Click the top of the segment tab to close the tab.
  6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 for all of the remaining segments.
  7. If you would like to remove a segment, click the Red Minus icon in the segment tab header for the segment you would like to remove.
  8. If you would like to edit a segment, click on the green Pencil and Notepad icon in the segment tab header for the segment you would like to edit.
    1. Follow steps 3 - 5 from the Creating Survey Segments section.
    2. Click the Replace Segment button to update the segment.
  9. If you would like to change the order of the segments, use the blue Up and Down arrows in the segment tab headers for the segments you would like to move.
  10. Once you have finished setting up the survey logic, scroll back up to the top of the page and click the Save Survey button.


Creating a Basic Survey

The main intention of the Basic Survey is to group multiple Survey Questions together to be used in the various Paper Canvassing tools; however, this process can also be used to create simple surveys to be used in both the Mobile App and Online Phone Bank.

When used with Electronic Canvassing Tools, the survey will move along in the order that is set in survey, and will lack any script elements. The Electronic Canvassing Tools will only display the Survey Question (Long Text) that was set for the selected Survey Question.


Creating a Basic Survey

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  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. Use the Survey Type drop-down menu to select Basic Survey (Viewed on a Printed List).
  3. Use the Survey Name textbox to name your Survey.
    1. Note: This name is for internal use within the PDI Program.
  4. Use the Survey Question drop-down menu to select the Survey Question you want to add to your Survey.
    1. Note: Non-Contact code sets do not populate in this drop-down menu, since they are automatically attached to a survey upon the creation of a canvasing tool. Please see the Survey Question page for more information.
  5. Click the Add Survey Question button to the right of the Survey Question drop-down menu to add the Survey Question to the Survey. The question will appear at the bottom of the page.
  6. Repeat Steps 4 - 5 until you have all of your desired questions.
  7. (Optional) If you would like to create a new Survey Question, click the Add Survey Question button below the Survey Question drop-down menu and proceed through the steps.
    1. Read the Survey Questions article for more information on creating Survey Questions.
    2. Once you have created the new Survey Question, it is not automatically added to the Survey. Select it from the drop-down menu and click the Add Survey Question button to the right to add it.
  8. (Optional) Click the Red Minus button next to any Question you would like to remove.
  9. If you would like to replace a question with another while retaining the question position click on the Pencil icon next to the Survey Question you would like to replace
    1. Use the Survey Question drop-down menu to select the Survey Question you would like to add to your survey.
    2. Click the Replace Segment button.
  10. If you would like to change the order of the questions, use the blue Up and Down arrows.
  11. Click the Save Survey button to save the Survey.


Cloning a Survey

Surveys can be cloned, allowing you to create new iterations on your surveys without the need to recreate the entire survey. Survey cloning is done in the Surveys sub-tab.

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Click on the Clone link for the Survey you would like to duplicate.

Then, enter a Survey Name for the new Survey and click Save.


Managing Surveys

Deactivating a Survey

  1. Click the Show Admin Options link.
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  2. Activate the checkbox/es of the Surveys you would like to deactivate.
  3. Click on the Deactivate Selected Items link.
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  4. Click the Yes button in the pop-up.


Reactivating a Survey

  1. Click Show Admin Options.
  2. Activate the Show Inactive Items checkbox.
  3. Click on the name of the Survey you would like to reactivate and click Continue.
  4. Activate the Is Active checkbox.
  5. Click Save Survey.