Billing Information

Amelia Huchley
Amelia Huchley
  • Updated

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Payment Information

Billing Folders



The Billing Information page allows you to add and mange the Billing Folders associated with your organization's account. Billing Folders give you a place to direct the purchases you make in the program. Your Billing Folder will hold the record of the output that was generated, along with the debit/credit card that is used to make the purchase. Billing folders can be created without being associated with a debit/credit card as well, however, that folder cannot be used to pay invoices until it has been associated with a debit/credit card.

  • The Billing Information page can be accessed by clicking on the Admin dropdown in the top Navigation Menu, then selecting PDI Billing Center and clicking on Setup Billing Information.


Payment Information

The Payment Information section allows you to input the basic billing information for your organization's account. The information entered in this portion can be used to quickly generate your Billing Folders. The information entered in this section is also be used as the main billing contact information for the account.


Billing Folders

Creating a Billing Folder Using Customer Billing Information

  1. Click the Add Billing Folder button.
  2. Activate the Same as Customer Information checkbox.
  3. If needed, make changes to any pre-populated fields.
  4. (Optional) Follow the instructions below if you plan on adding a Credit/Debit card to the Billing Folder.
    1. Use the Name on Card text box to enter in the name on the Credit/Debit card.
    2. Use the Card Number text box to enter in the Credit/Debit card number.
    3. Use the Exp Month text box to enter in the expiration month
    4. Use the Exp Year text box to enter in the expiration year.
    5. Use the CVC text box to enter in the security code on the card.
  5. (Optional) Follow the instructions below if you plan on adding an ACH/Bank Account to the Billing Folder.
    1. Select the Bank Account Type using the dropdown.
    2. Enter the Account Holder Name.
    3. Enter the Routing Number and Account Number.
    4. Click the Save Button.
      1. There will be two small deposits sent to the bank account you entered. Once you see those in your bank account, go back to this page and select Verify (next to the billing folder) to enter the amounts and begin using your bank account to pay for purchases.
  6. Click the Save button.


Creating a Billing Folder Without Using Customer Billing Information

  1. Click the Add Billing Folder button.
  2. Use the Billing Organization Name text box to set the name of the Billing Folder.
  3. (Optional) Use the Care Of (Main Contact) text box set the name of the individual in charge of the Billing Folder. Note: If you planning on associating a Credit/Debit card with this folder this field will be used as the name on the card.
  4. Use the Email text box to enter in the email address that should receive the invoices.
  5. Use the Phone Number text box to enter in the phone number that we will use to contact for any billing issues.
  6. (Optional) Use the Street Address tex tbox to enter in the billing address for the Credit/Debit card.
  7. (Optional) Use the Suite text box to enter in the suite number for the billing address for the Credit/Debit card.
  8. (Optional) Use the City textbox to enter in the city for the billing address for the Credit/Debit card.
  9. (Optional) Use the State text box to enter in the state for the billing address for the Credit/Debit card.
  10. (Optional) Use the Zip Code text box to enter in the zip code for the billing address for the Credit/Debit card.
  11. (Optional) Follow the instructions below if you plan on adding a Credit/Debit card to the Billing Folder.
    1. Use the Name on Card text box to enter in the name on the Credit/Debit card.
    2. Use the Card Number text box to enter in the Credit/Debit card number.
    3. Use the Exp Month text box to enter in the expiration month
    4. Use the Exp Year text box to enter in the expiration year.
    5. Use the CVC text box to enter in the security code on the card.
  12. (Optional) Follow the instructions below if you plan on adding an ACH/Bank Account to the Billing Folder.
    1. Select the Bank Account Type using the dropdown.
    2. Enter the Account Holder Name.
    3. Enter the Routing Number and Account Number.
    4. Click the Save Button.
      1. There will be two small deposits sent to the bank account you entered. Once you see those in your bank account, go back to this page and select Verify (next to the billing folder) to enter the amounts and begin using your bank account to pay for purchases.
  13. Click the Save button.


Editing an Existing Billing Folder

  1. Click on the Add/Edit Payment Details button next to the Billing Folder you would like to edit.
  2. Make your changes to the various fields.
  3. Click the Save button.


Deleting a Billing Folder

  1. Click on the Add/Edit Payment Details button next to the Billing Folder you would like to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.