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The Data Sharing page allows you to share ID Flags from your organization account with any other organization account on our server. Data is not shared freely, but instead requires that you either share or receive special account information from the organization, and even then those flags must be approve or accepted on a flag by flag basis. This way, both campaigns can insure that their data remains accurate, and that they are only sharing the ID Flags they want to share.
- The Data Sharing page can be accessed by hovering your mouse over the Admin section in the top Navigation Menu, and clicking on General Account settings. Next click on Data Sharing.
About Data Sharing
The About Data Sharing tab gives you an explanation about the data sharing process, along with displaying your account number and your data sharing password. Along with displaying information, this tab also allows you to change your Data Share Password.
How to change your Data Sharing Password
- Use the Data Share Password text box to create a new password for data sharing.
- Click the Save Password button.
Incoming Data
The Incoming Data (Data From Other Orgs Shared With My Org): tab displays the pending ID Flags that are coming into your Organization Account from other Organization Accounts, as well as the ID Flags that you have approved into your account, and the flags that you have rejected. In this screen you can select to either approve the flags into your account which will add the incoming flags to a flag of your choosing, or you can choose to reject those flags. If you would like to review and possibly import all of the flags from your children accounts, you can click the Show All Child Data link.
Accepting Flags into your Account
- If the incoming ID Flag is associated with a Candidate / Issue, use the Select Candidate / Issue drop-down menu to select the Candidate / Issue you would like to associate with the incoming ID Flag.
- Use the Select Flag ID drop-down menu to select which one of your ID Flags will be associated with the incoming ID Flag.
- Use the drop-down menu in the Status column to select Approved.
- Click the Save button.
Rejecting Flags from you Account
- Use the drop-down menu in the Status column to select Rejected.
- Click the Save button.
Viewing all Flags from your Child Accounts
- Click the Show Admin Options link.
- Click the Show All Data link.
- Click the Yes button.
Viewing Non-Pending ID Flags
- Click the Show Admin Options link.
- Use the Show Only Pending drop-down menu to select the type of data you would like to view.
Outgoing Data
The Outgoing Data (Data I Am Sharing With Other Orgs) tab is separated into two sub-tabs. The Choose Organizations To Share With tab is where you add Organization Accounts to your sharing list, while the Choose the Flags I Wish To Share sub-tab is used to select the ID Flags you are going to share. The list of ID Flags in the Choose the Flags I Wish To Share tab, the list of ID Flags can be filtered by activating and deactivating the Response Code and Candidate/Issue checkboxes.
Adding Organization Accounts
- Click the Add Organization button.
- Use the Account Number of Receiving Org textbox, enter in the account number of the Organization Account that will receive your flag.
- Use the Data Share Password textbox, enter in the data sharing password of the Organization Account that will receive your flag.
- Click the Save button.
Adding All of Your Child Account Organizations to Your Sharing List
- Click the Show Admin Options link.
- Click the Add All Child Accounts link.
Sharing Flags
- Click the Share button in the row of the ID Flag you would like to share.
- Activate the checkboxes of the Organization Accounts that you would like to share the selected flag with. Note: This pop-up will only display the Organization Accounts that are not currently receiving the selected flag.
- Click the Save button.
Unsharing Flags
- Click the UnShare button in the row of the flag you would like to stop sharing.
- Activate the checkboxes of the Organization Accounts you would like to stop sharing with. Note: This pop-up will only display the Organization Accounts that are currently receiving the selected flag.
- Click the Delete button.