Manage Output Files

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List Management

Report Audit




The Manage Output Files section gives Account Administrators the ability to view a list of all the outputs generated in the Process List and Files page. Each of the records displayed in the List Management tab contain the household count and voter count. Any list containing surveys or acquisition types can have those values adjusted. The Report Audit sub-tab displays information about the files created in the Process List and Files page, and display similar information to the List Management sub-tab, but also displays information on where your file currently is in the generation process.

  • The Manage Output Files page can be accessed by hovering over the Admin dropdown in the top Navigation Menu, then clicking Manage Output Files.


List Management

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 11.19.17 AM.png

Changing the Acquisition Type

  1. Click the Pencil Icon button in the row of the list you would like to edit.
  2. Use the Source Type drop down menu to set the Acquisition Type.
  3. Click the Save button.


Changing the Survey of a Printed List

  1. Click the Pencil Icon button in the row of the list you would like to edit.
  2. Use the Survey drop down menu to set the Survey.
  3. Click the Save button.


Deactivating Printed List

  1. Activate the checkbox of the item you would like to deactivate.
  2. Click the Deactivate Selected Election button.
  3. Click the Yes button.


Reactivating Printed List

  1. Click the Activate button of the list you would like to reactivate.
  2. Click the Yes button


Report Audit

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 11.20.39 AM.png

The Report Audit tab list reports that have been generated in the Process List and Files module. The drop-down menus and text boxes above the table can be used to filter the list of lists and files that are displayed in the table. Clicking on the name of the file in the Report Name category will generate a pop-up window that displays House Count, Voter Count, the Universe used to process the list/file, along with the list/file type, among many other details. The Status column display if the file is currently processing, completed, or unable to process because of an error.