List of Account Security Profiles

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List of Default Profiles



The section below features a brief description of all of our Security Profiles. These profiles can be stacked on top of each other to customize the user experience to best suit your campaign's needs. A PDF file with a full break down of the Account Security Profiles can be found here.


List of Default Profiles

  • Account Admin - Multi Level - Provides full access to the program except the ability to create Custom File Templates. This profile also allows users to create child accounts under the current Organization Account.
  • Account Admin - Standard I - Provides all of the access of the Account Admin - Multi Level profile except for the ability to create child accounts.
  • Account Admin - Standard II - A secondary admin level providing access to most parts of the program, however, lacking higher level admin functionality such creating new users, new data survey data points, and removing people from the People Database.
  • Field Canvassing Manager - Provides access to all of the field canvassing tools in the program. Provides users with the ability to create Paper Walk List and Mobile Canvassing Projects. However, this profile does lack the ability to create the surveys that are required to utilize these features, so Printed Surveys and Electronic Surveys must be created by an upper level Account Admin.
  • Field Canvassing Staff - Provides all of the access of the Field Canvassing Manager except for the ability to Manage / Edit Universes and Import Data from a spreadsheet.
  • Phone Canvassing Manager - Provides access to all of the phone canvassing tools in the program. Provides users with the ability to create Paper Phone List, Electronic Phone Files, and Online Phone Bank Projects. However, this profile does lack the ability to create the surveys that are required to utilize these features, so Printed Surveys and Electronic Surveys must be created by an upper level Account Admin.
  • Phone Canvassing Staff - Provides all of the access of the Phone Canvassing Manager except for the ability to Manage / Edit Universes and Import Data from a spreadsheet.
  • Email Sending Manager - Provides basic access to the Individual People Search page, Create Universes, and allows full access to Import New People. The profile also provides full access to Creating Email Profiles, Email Messages, Seed List, and Email Sending.
  • Email Sending Staff - Provides access to the Create People Universes page, and the ability to Create and Send Email Messages.
  • Web Form Manager - Provides basic access to the Individual People Search page and full access to Create Web Forms and Manage the Transactions.
  • Web Form Staff - Provides access to create and edit Web Forms.
  • Volunteer / Event Manager - Provides access to the Volunteer and Event Configuration and Creation, Individual People Search page, Data Entry, Email Sending, and Web Form creation.
  • Volunteer / Event Staff - Provides most of the access of the Volunteer / Event Manager, however, the profile lacks the ability to send emails and access of reports.
  • Voter Registration Manager - Provides full access to the Voter registration page.
  • Voter Registration Staff - Provides access to the New Reg Data Entry tab in the Voter Registration page.
  • Data Entry - High Access - Provides access to the Canvass / Phone List page and the Individual People Search page for data entry.
  • Data Entry - :Low Access - Provides access to the Canvass / Phone List page for data entry.
  • Billing Center Access - Provides full user access to the Billing Center. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Billing Center Access PDI - Provides full access to the Billing Center. Note: This profile is for internal PDI used. Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Add / Edit User Accounts - Provides full access to the Add / Edit User Accounts page. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Account Settings - Provides full access to the Account Settings page. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Data Sharing - Provides access to the Data Sharing page and functionality. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Data Survey Configuration - High Access - Provides near full access to the Surveys and Data Configuration page, except for the Donor tab. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Data Survey Configuration - Med Access - Provides similar access to the Data Survey Configuration - High Access permission profile, however, the profile lacks the ability to created Candidates and Issues, ID Flags, Survey Questions and Acquisition Types. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Data Survey Configuration - Low Access - Provides similar access to the Data Survey Configuration - Med access Permission profile, however, the profile lacks the ability to make edits in the Volunteer and Events tab. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Donor Management - Provides access to review the Donor Tab in the Surveys and Data Configuration page, Contact Details page, and in the Create People Universes page. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Member Management Admin - Provides access to view and edit the membership information. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.
  • Member Management - Provides all of the access of the Member Management Admin profile except for the ability to authorize PDF and Electronic files.
  • Delete People - Provides the ability to delete people from the People Database. Note: Must be paired with a full permission profile.