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Creating an Import ID Flag Layout
The Import ID Flags page allows you upload flags to individuals in either the Voter Database or in the People Database. In order to use the Import ID Flags page to upload your ID Flags, the file must contain at least a column that contains either the PDI IDs, CA IDs or an External ID.
The Import ID Flags page allows you to upload ID Flags from your spreadsheet file using two different methods:
- The first method allows you to upload the same flags to each Voter or Person in your spreadsheet. This method only requires a list of one of the required ID types.
- The second method allows you to upload various flags dependent on the values in the adjacent columns. This method requires one column for the one of the required ID types and an additional column for each question that was asked in the canvass.
Each cell in the spreadsheet should be limited to one response, and each response type should be standardized to allow for quick and clean data entry.
- To access the Import Flags page, click on the People section of the Navigation Menu, click Import/Export Data, and then click Import ID Fields.
Importing ID Flags
Required ID Types
The Import ID Flags page can upload flags to an individuals record using three different methods: PDI ID, CA ID, and External ID. PDI IDs will always start with their state abbreviation, while the CA IDs will always start with a number. External IDs are custom IDs that are loaded in by users in the Import New People page, and then assigned People records. Since External IDs are created and managed by users, you will need to manage and maintain this list yourself to ensure that your ID Flag Imports are done properly.
Importing an ID Flag File
- Click on the Browse button to upload your file.
- Note: The file imported can have a maximum size of 19 MB.
- Use the File Type drop-down menu to select the type of file you are importing.
- Note: If you are uploading a text file, you will need to select whether your file is a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file, TSV (Tab Separated Value) file, a CSV file created in Numbers on a Mac (select Text Files (Mac)), or a different type of text file. If you select Text Files (Other) or Text Files (Mac), you will need to enter the character that separates the columns in your file in the Separated By textbox.
- If the first row in your file contains headers, activate the First Row contains Column Title checkbox.
- Click the Upload File button when done. The PDI will then load sample data from your Current File into the Source File Preview box for user to review.
- Note: If your document contains '/' characters you will get an error.
- Click Next at the bottom to move on to the next steps.
- If you do not have any Saved Layouts or do not want to use a Saved Layout, click Next. If you do have a Saved Layout you want to use, select it using the Load a Saved Layout dropdown menu.
- If you are using a Saved Layout for a single-column file, you will then be able to click the blue Import button and import your data without proceeding through the rest of the steps.
- If you are using a Saved Layout for a file with multiple flag columns, continue through the full process so you can check that everything is mapped correctly before you import your file.
- For instructions on creating a Saved Layout, go to the Creating an Import ID Flag Layout section of this article.
- Use the Column (Field) in YOUR FILE drop-down menu to select the column that contains the required Voter or Person IDs that you will be using for your match.
- Use the Column (Field) in the PDI SYSTEM drop-down menu to select the ID Type you are importing.
- Note: If you are importing ID Flags to People records, select the PDI ID (Contact) option.
- Use the Select an Acquisition Code for the data you are posting drop-down menu to select an Acquisition Type to attribute to the flags you are importing.
- Use the Set your posting date text box to select a date to attribute to the flags you are importing.
- If the file you are importing contains a column for dates, activate the Use Date Value From the Source file in Column checkbox.
- Use the Choose Column with Date drop-down menu to select the column that contains the date.
- Click Next.
- There are two common file layout types for importing flag data. This step helps the PDI system know if you are importing a file of voter IDs to be posted as a single flag (essentially a list of voters you want to tag with a specific ID Flag), or if you are importing a file with one or more flag columns, containing different values such as support, undecided, and opposed. Select the option that best describes your data file.
- If the data file does not contain different flag values, choose if the flags you are posting are associated with a survey or not. If they are, you can select the Survey Question and Response Code. If they are not, you can select the Flag and Response Code.
- If the data file does contain variable flag values, you can select whether the IDs are associated with a survey or not. If they are, you can use the Select the Column (Field) for the Flags you are Posting dropdown and the Select the Survey Question Answered in the Imported Column dropdown. If the IDs are not associated with a survey, you can use Select the Column (Field) for the Flags you are Posting dropdown, the Associate the Imported Column With dropdown, and the Select the Specific Option dropdown.
- Click Import.
Creating an Import ID Flag Layout
Creating an Import ID Flag Layout allows you to reuse the selected fields to quickly import additional files into your organization account. This is most useful if you will be using the same file layout to upload additional files.
Note: Instructions for uploading files using an Import ID Flag Layout can be found in the Importing ID Flags section above.
Creating a Saved Layout
Follow steps 1-16 for Importing ID Flags.
When you are on the last step of the process, right before clicking Import, there will be a Save Layout button.
Click that button. A pop-up will appear.
Enter a name for the layout and click Save New Layout.
Then, click Import.