Zoom Integration

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Linking your Account

Adding a Zoom Meeting to an Event

Creating a Web Form with Zoom Events

Sharing your Web Form




The Zoom Integration allows you to link your Zoom meetings to events that you create in the PDI System. This allows people to register for an event using a PDI web form, while simultaneously registering for the meeting in Zoom. This process requires that you have a paid Zoom account, that you link your Zoom account to your PDI account, create an event and associate a Zoom meeting with that event, creating a web form with that event, and lastly sharing that web form.


Linking your Account

Connecting your Zoom Account

Linking your Zoom account to your PDI account requires that you have a paid Zoom account, and that you have access to the Account Settings page within the PDI program. Inside of the Account Settings page click the Add Zoom Connection button followed by logging into your Zoom account.

Removing your Zoom Account

Removing your Zoom account to your PDI account requires that you have access to the Account Settings page within the PDI program. Inside of the Account Settings page click the Remove button next to the account you would like to remove from your account, followed by click the Yes button in the pop-up.


Adding a Zoom Meeting to an Event

Creating an Event with a linked Zoom meeting requires that you have linked your Zoom account to your PDI account prior to the creation of the event. There will need to be at least 1 ticket associated with the event, as the registration for the Zoom meeting is triggered by the purchase of the ticket. Please review the calendar page for a full overview of event and event activity creation.

Creating a Zoom Enabled Event

  1. Use the Event Name textbox to assign a name to your event.
  2. Use the Event Description textbox to assign a description to your event
  3. Use the Event Frequency textbox to select if the event is a one-time thing, or if it will be recurring.
  4. Use the Start Date textbox to select the first date of the event.
  5. Use the Start Time textbox to enter in the time the event will start.
  6. Use the End Time textbox to enter in the time the event will end.
  7. Use the Ends Date textbox to enter in the end date of the event. Note: If the event is recurring select the end date of the first occurrence.
  8. Use the Event Location drop-down menu to select the location of the event.
    1. If the location does not exist, click the Green plus button to the right of the Location drop-down menu.
    2. Use the Location Name textbox to assign a name to the new location.
    3. Use the Location Address textbox to assign an address to the new location.
    4. Click the Save New Location button.
  9. Use the Select a Calendar for This Event to select a calendar to associate with the event.
    1. If the Calendar you would like to use does not exist, click the Green Plus button to the right of the Select a Calendar for This Event drop-down menu.
    2. Use the Calendar Name textbox to assign a name to the Calendar.
    3. Click on the Select Calendar Color button.
    4. Select a color for the calendar in the pop-up.
    5. Click the Save New Calendar button.
  10. (Optional) Use the Event Phone textbox to associate a phone number with the event.
  11. (Optional) Use the Event Contact Email textbox to associate an email address with the event.
  12. (Optional) Use the Event Website textbox to associate a website with the event.
  13. (Optional) Use the SMS Message drop-down menu to associate an SMS Message with the event.
  14. Use the Zoom Meeting drop-down menu to select the meeting that should be associated with the event. Note: you can repeat this step to select multiple meetings.
  15. Activate the Add Tickets For This Event checkbox.
  16. Use the Ticket Name textbox to assign a name to your ticket.
  17. Use the Ticket Description textbox to add a description to your ticket.
  18. (Optional) Use the Ticket Price textbox to enter in a price for the ticket.
  19. (Optional) Use the Total Available textbox to set the total available ticket quantity.
  20. (Optional) Use the Max Per Order textbox to set the maximum tickets a person can purchase in 1 order.
  21. (Optional) Use the Start Date textbox to set the date when the tickets go on sale.
  22. (Optional) Use the Start Time textbox to set the time when the tickets go on sale.
  23. (Optional) Use the End Date textbox to set the date when the tickets are no longer on sale.
  24. (Optional) Use the End Time textbox to set the time when the tickets are no longer on sale.
  25. Click the Add Ticket Level button.
  26. (Optional) Repeat steps 16 - 25 to add additional tickets.
  27. Click the Save Event button.


Creating a Web Form with Zoom Events

The Web Form will allow individuals to sign up for the event. In order to create these Web Forms you will already need to have the event with its like Zoom event/s created. The Web Form will need to contain the Contact Fields Block along with the Event Fields Block. Please review the web form page for a full breakdown of the feature.


Creating a Basic Web Form

  1. Click the Create a New Form button.
  2. Select the number of pages you would like to include in your web form.
  3. Drag the Contact Fields Block into your web form.
  4. Drag the Event Fields Block into your web form.
  5. Click on the Content Info tab.
  6. Use the Event drop-down menu to select the event that contains the Zoom event.
  7. Use the Ticket Options drop-down menu to select which tickets should be displayed in the web form.
  8. Click the Save Changes button.
  9. Use the Name textbox to name the web form.
  10. Use the Title textbox to assign a title to the web form.
  11. Use the Description textbox to assign a description to the web form.
  12. (Optional) Use the Maximum Donation Amount to set the maximum contribution through the web form.
  13. (Optional) Use the Budget Category textbox to set the budget category of the web forms transactions.
  14. (Optional) Use the Notification Email drop-down menu to select the email message the individual should receive with their receipt.
  15. Click the Confirm button.


Sharing your Web Form


Once the Web Form has been created, users have the option to use the web form either as its own web page, or as an iFrame, which can be embedded on a campaign/organizations website.


Sharing Web Form as a Link

  1. Click on the Get Links button in the row of the Web Form that will be shared.
  2. (Optional) If you would like to shorten the URL, activate the Tiny URL check box.
  3. Click the Copy button in the URL section to copy the URL into your clipboard.
  4. Share the web form on the social media platform of your choice, send it out in an email, or paste it as a link on your website.

Embedding the Web Form

  1. Click on the Get Links button in the row of the Web Form that will be shared.
  2. Click the Copy button in the Embed Code section to copy the HTML code into your clipboard.
  3. Paste the HTML code into the HTML editor for your website.