PDI Data Field Descriptions

Amelia Huchley
Amelia Huchley
  • Updated

Below is a list of data fields found throughout the PDI Platform along with a straightforward description.

  • TOTAL: Total Voters as described in the Select and Page Descriptors
  • DEM: Democrats
  • DEMPLUS: Democrats, voters who were previously registered Democrat and not currently registered Republican, as well as voters who have donated to Democrats/Democratic Committees and are not registered Republican, plus any voter requested a Democratic ballot in a prior primary election cycle.
  • REP: Republicans
  • REPPLUS: Republicans, voters who were previously registered Republican and not currently registered Democrat, as well as voters who have donated to Republicans / Republican Committees and are not registered Democrat, plus any voter requested a Republican ballot in a prior primary election cycle.
  • OTHER (NOT DEM OR REP): Any voter registered with a party other than Democrat or Republican
  • IND (NON-PARTISAN): Decline to State, American Independent, or Miscellaneous Party
  • MPL (MINOR PARTY LIBERAL): Green, Natural Law, or Peace and Freedom Party
  • MPC (MINOR PARTY CONSERVATIVE): Libertarian or Reform Party
  • GREEN: Green Party
  • PEACE & FREEDOM: Peace and Freedom Party
  • NATURAL LAW: Natural Law Party
  • LIBERTARIAN: Libertarian Party
  • REFORM: Reform Party
  • DECLINE TO STATE: Registered Decline to State/No Party Preference
  • AMERICAN IND.: American Independent Party
  • MISC.: All Parties not listed individually above
  • PURE DEM: household contains ONLY Democrats
  • PURE REP: household contains ONLY Republicans
  • DEM DONOR ($$): gave money to a Democrat Candidate or Committee; via CASOS and FEC filing records (includes only select local records, inquire for local record availability)
  • REP DONOR ($$): gave money to a Republican Candidate or Committee; via CASOS and FEC filing records (includes only select local records, inquire for local record availability)
  • WASDEM: previously registered as a Democrat
  • WASREP: previously registered as a Republican
  • DEM BALLOT (PAST PRIMARY): Any voter who has requested a Democratic ballot in a prior primary election cycle
  • REP BALLOT (PAST PRIMARY) : Any voter who has requested a Republican ballot in a prior primary election cycle
  • PERMAMENT ABSENTEE (PAV): Registered Permanent Absentee Voter, also known as Permanent Vote By Mail or PVBM
  • ANY EARLY PAV: Returned absentee ballot 9 or more days prior to election day
  • PAV & NOT ALWAYS LATE: Permanent Absentee Voter whose ballot returns are NOT ALWAYS in the last 9 days before election day
  • 1+AVs OR PAV: PAV or anyone who has voted by mail ballot at least once in last four years.
  • 2+AVs OR PAV: PAV or anyone who has voted by mail ballot at least twice in last four years.
  • 3+AVs OR PAV: PAV or anyone who has voted by mail ballot at least three times in last four years.
  • 1+AV, EXCLUDING ANY PAV: non-PAV voters who have voted by mail ballot at least once in last four years.
  • 2+AV, EXCLUDING ANY PAV: non-PAV voters who have voted by mail ballot at least twice in last four years.
  • PHONE (ALL): voters/households with at least one phone record associated
  • PHONE (HOME): voters/households associated with a LANDLINE phone number; this count is useful for estimating robocalls
  • PHONE (MOBILE): voters associated with mobile phone numbers
  • EMAILS (ALL): voters with at least one email address associated
  • REGISTRAR EMAILS: voters with registrar-provided email addresses
  • ENHANCED EMAILS ($$): voters with commercially acquired email addresses (high cost per unit associated, please contact us for a quote)
  • HOMEOWNER: tax record identified as owner of registered residential address
  • PROBABLE RENTER: formulaically identified as a likely renter of registered residential address, includes apartment addresses
  • MOBILEHOME: voters at addresses identified as being Mobile Home Parks
  • AVERAGE INCOME <$50000: voters in census blocks identified as having an average income under $50,000 per year
  • AVERAGE INCOME $50K-$100k: voters in census blocks identified as having an average income between $50,000 and $100,000 per year
  • AVERAGE INCOME >$100000: voters in census blocks identified as having an average income over $100,000 per year
  • 25%+ ATTENDED COLLEGE: voters in census blocks with 25% or more of its population identified as having attended college.
  • 50%+ ATTENDED COLLEGE: voters in census blocks with 50% or more of its population identified as having attended college.
  • FEMALE: Female Voters
  • MALE: Male Voters
  • GENDER UNKNOWN: Voters who did not indicate a gender on their registration; these are mostly older voters
  • AGE 18-24: voters between 18 and 24 years of age
  • AGE 25-34: voters between 25 and 34 years of age
  • AGE 35-44: voters between 35 and 44 years of age
  • AGE 45-54: voters between 45 and 54 years of age
  • AGE 55-64: voters between 55 and 64 years of age
  • AGE 65+ / NO AGE: voters over 65 years of age or no age indicated on registration; no age indicated indicates an older registration record, before birthdate was a required field.
  • FOREIGN BORN: voter born outside of the U.S.
  • U.S. BORN: voter born inside of the U.S.
  • BIRTHPLACE UNKNOWN: Voter with no/unknown birthplace listed on registration
  • AFRICAN-AMERICAN: formulaically determined likely African American voter
  • LATINO: Latino voter, based on surname and other data fields
  • CHINESE SPKR: probable Chinese speaker, based on surname and birthplace in Chinese speaking country or registered with state to receive a ballot in Chinese
  • KOREAN SPKR: probable Korean speaker, based on surname and birthplace of Korea or registered with state to receive a ballot in Korean
  • SPANISH SPKR: probable Spanish speaker, based on surname and birthplace in Spanish speaking country or registered with state to receive a ballot in Spanish
  • TAGALOG SPKR: probable Tagalog speaker, based on surname and birthplace of the Phillipines or registered with state to receive a ballot in Tagalog
  • VIETNAMESE SPKR: probable Vietnamese speaker, based on surname and birthplace of Vietnam or registered with state to receive a ballot in Vietnamese
  • CHINESE BALLOT: registered with state to receive a Chinese language ballot
  • KOREAN BALLOT: registered with state to receive a Korean language ballot
  • SPANISH BALLOT: registered with state to receive a Spanish language ballot
  • TAGALOG BALLOT: registered with state to receive a Tagalog language ballot
  • Vietnamese BALLOT: registered with state to receive a Vietnamese language ballot
  • ARMENIAN: likely Armenian voter based on surname and other data fields
  • EAST INDIAN: likely (East) Indian voter based on surname and other data fields
  • JEWISH SURNAME: likely Jewish voter based on surname and other data fields
  • ASIAN (composite) : likely Asian voters based on surname and other data fields, includes Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Southeast Asian or other East Asian born voters. Does not include East Indian or Polynesian voters.
  • CHINESE: likely Chinese voter based on surname and other data fields
  • FILIPINO: likely Filipino voter based on surname and other data fields
  • JAPANESE: likely Japanese voter based on surname and other data fields
  • KOREAN: likely Korean voter based on surname and other data fields
  • SOUTHEAST ASIAN: likely Southeast Asian voter based on surname and other data fields, includes Cambodian, Hmong and Thai
  • VIETNAMESE: likely Vietnamese voter based on surname and other data fields
  • CHINESE/KOREAN SURNAME: voters with surnames that are common for both Chinese and Korean and no other distinguishing data is available
  • CHINESE/VIET SURNAME: voters with surnames that are common for Chinese and Vietnamese and no other distinguishing data is available
  • CHIN/KOR/VIET SURNAME: voters with surnames that are common for Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese and no other distinguishing data is available
  • ASIAN/ANGLO SURNAME: voters with surnames that are common for both Asian and Anglo and no other distinguishing data is available
  • REG BEFORE/BETWEEN/AFTER XX-XX: Voter with registration processed Before/Between/After the indicated date(s) based on the 15 day close of registration for each election date and considering each voter’s existing election vote history to avoid including re-registrants.
  • VOTED XX-XX: Cast a ballot in the indicated election
  • AV XX-XX: Cast an absentee ballot in the indicated election
  • VOTED XX-XX & NO OTHER: voted in indicated election, but has cast no other ballots in entire known voting history
  • Voted A of B (XX-XX thru XX-XX): cast a ballot at least (A) number of times in (B) number of elections, with specific elections indicated with a “G” for Statewide General or “P” for Statewide Primary in Month/Year in parentheses.

You are not restricted by these demographic options. You can request a count of other variables or ask us to change these. You might want a count of Armenians, Chinese, voters 45+, DEM MPL and IND voters combined. Just ask, we’ll be happy to count it for you.